SPOILER!!: The Incredible Elliot and The Tired Ethan
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She shrugged at Ethan..."You could never interrupt me, Ethan," she said with a slight wink and then smirked. Ethan was fun to tease...hehehe. She thought she might as WELL bring up Minnie...and...just SEEM like a good friend...ish...."How's...Minnie..." she managed to get out, her voice a bit grumbly...
Now she regretted asking. Because now..he would actually answer. And Elliot didn't want to hear that they were doing okay. Because...she still disagreed HUGELY with his decision.
Stupid Minnie.
ANYWAYS-Back to Mick, Ethan's much nicer counterpart! hehe.
She listened to his...explanation about his parents...and their divorce. She nodded. "Yes...It seems like they aren't...meant to be, then. It's probably all for the best that they broke apart, then." She was just looking at it in a...logical way...
And then ETHAN scolded her...and she scowled. "He seems fine, Ethan. Merlin," she rolled her eyes and looked back at Mick. Who was smiling. Hehe. Elliot just had that effect on people, now didn't she? She was about to ask him something else when he fire about A MILLION questions at her..okay, not exactly that many...but still! She took a breath.
"I'm a month away from being 15..." SO 14. But almost 15 sounded waaay cooler. "I have three. Two sisters, one 12 and one 8, and a one year old brother." Her mouth twitched at the mention of the boy...she was still...getting used to the baby. What was her favorite class...easy. "Transfiguration. Easily my best subject," she smirked, absentmindedly fiddling with her earrings as she talked to him. "And..foods I hate..another easy one..sweets. I hate anything sweet..." she said with a smirk. It was weird...and knew it...but...oh well.
It was just Elliot.
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Ethan gave Elliot a half-smile, smirk, or something.. he was too tired to know at that point, but he felt as though it was a relatively friendly expression. He hadn't intended to be rude when he sat down and was somewhat relieved to know that she accepted his explanation.. or at least it seemed like it. And then that name... The 16 year old eyed the girl suspiciously. She wanted to know about Minnie? Really? The boy figured she was just making conversation and wasn't really all that interested, but he was happy to oblige. Though he was not one to kiss and tell.. that was not classy at all. "We've been getting on quite well, actually," he said, managing a tired (yet suspicious!) smile. "Thanks for asking."
And then the talk continued about divorce.. mehhh. Ethan merely shrugged uncomfortably at both of them when they dismissed his objection. Okay, so Mick was fine talking about his parents' divorce. Maybe he had enough time to move past it and come to terms with the way things were. But did anyone think that maybe Ethan didn't want to sit there and listen to them be so nonchalant about it? Nooo... That sort of talk was really unsettling and made him very... worried. He figured out for himself long ago why his parents got married in the first place.. and it wasn't always the kind of thing that kept two people together.
Ethan thought briefly about getting up and moving to a quieter part of the sleeping area - not that there was any - when, thank Merlin, the subject was changed to.. many things? The boy watched the two of them curiously. Since when was Elliot such a chatty Cathy? And, like, really nice.. ? Ethan did not remember ever seeing the girl quite like that. He sat on his sleeping bag trying to figure that one out.. maybe tired!Elliot equaled nice!Elliot? Orrr.. someone poisoned her tea? Or maybe.. he was already asleep and this whole thing was just a dream.. and when he woke up he'd be in his comfy bed in the dorm.
One could only hope.
Mick was silently watching Elliot and Ethan curiously as they sounded off. He couldn't put his finger on it but it seemed like there's some sort of bad blood between them. As he looked to have been listening to what Elliot was saying, when talking to him, he couldn't help but peek at the sleepy Ethan from the corner of his eye. He began to feel bad for being open about his parents' divorce. Well, Mick wasn't one to just ignore someone's questions. But he also didn't like the thought of making someone else uncomfortable. And how could he be anything but open? He stopped being upset years ago, now it's considered an
"eh" subject. He's moved on.
Realizing that he might've looked like he's lost interest in his conversation with Elliot, he came back to reality with an apologetic expression on his face. "I'm so sorry, Elliot," he kindly said. "Would you excuse me, so I can talk to my friend?"
He rotated his body towards Ethan's spot. Maybe Mick was being rude for dismissing the conversation with Elliot, but he had sensed that the previous topic was making Ethan feel...Out of place? Awkward? Annoyed? Hard to decide. "Are you alright, mate?" he asked in a quiet voice. He didn't mean to cause whatever negative feelings that stirred up. Mick unexpectedly let out a loud yawn, noticing for the first time all night how exhausted he really is.