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Old 11-01-2012, 01:14 AM   #20 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Was it correct? Her answer? Yes? Louisa sighed impatiently looking at the door that did NOT open. Oh.. wait, something changed next to this message. "This.. is new." Muttering to herself and feeling the raindrops getting harder gradually. She protested her eyes as she read the fifth puzzle and quickly bent, making a shelter to write on the parchment using her thigh.

She had a very wide selection to pick for this one, but there was this.. line... it made something click in her head and hopefully it led her to the right path answer.

SPOILER!!: Answer to 5th puzzle
A ghoul.

The Ravenclaw gathered up her hair into a bun and used the quill to hold it there as she folded the parchment and slipped it into the mail slot. She didn't like this superficial rain. Comeoooonnn! Be correct!

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