Join Date: Apr 2004 Location: Vaes Dothrak
Posts: 19,232
Hogwarts RPG Name: Takeru Asakura Third Year
x5 x7
| ★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★ Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty Floating......floating......falling.........FALLIN G.
Emmanuelle let out an "Umphf!" when her body met the floor of the next room. Could've used a little warning there, Scabior! Anyway, she was able to use her own two feet for what they were meant for now, which was something she guessed. Once she got up, that was. Pulling herself up, she looked quickly around for the next riddle. Or was trying to, before it started to rain on her. And was that thunder she had heard?! Not fun.
So, she stood there, getting soaked, while she worked out the riddle. Once she had her answer (which she had pretty quickly), tried to figure out a way of actually writing it down. You know, since the rain would smear the ink and weaken the parchment. She remembered a spell that she had learned a long time ago, but rarely used. Now if only she could remember the incantation...... Oh yeah! It was Immpedimus. Or was it Impervious? Definitely Impervious, that sounded right. She aimed her wand at her parchment cast the spell. Yay, it worked! She followed that up with a drying spell, and wrote down her answer. Now to get over to the slot. She started that way, slipping a few times and shoved it quickly in. And now she waits. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassandra Taylor smiled as she went to the next room. She read the riddle... then raid started to pour down. Tay looked up, annoyed. First, they get locked into rooms then floating and now stinking rain? The professor better not be in control of this or he will hear about it from her. Taylor frowned and tried to focus on the riddle. The person was mentioned and rather ruin your day? Sounds like her Uncle Puck... he is a pranskter and someone close to that would be.... Her eyes lit in joy as she jolted down her answer then put it in the slot.
That was easier than the last one. Taylor laughed and smiled, waiting to see what would happen. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Jory though he knew this answer. He had almost gotten mixed up with this one and the previous answer. He turned up his collar as rain began to soak him. Whatever else did they have to encounter? He scribbled his answer hastily and dropped it through the slot. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen When the door opened in the other room Vickers eagerly crawled through the door space... *SPLAT*
.... hello gravity ye ol' friend.
Groaning he picked himself up, knitting his brows together. This is one heck of a class. Would he remember any of these when he's having his NEWTs? Worse... is he going to have to go through any of these during his NEWTs? Merlin forbid he wants to actually live to use his NEWTs not die through it.
But at least now he's in what looks to be a proper room and as he glanced around for the clue he saw the grey clouds painted on the ceiling. Huh a tribute to the illussions of the Great Hall? Thats fine... now where is that cl-- *RRRRRUMBLE!DOWNPOURRRRRRR*
Oh sure... drench him to the bones why dont yah...
He found the riddle but writing it on a parchment was a challenge in itself. How on earth is he going to write something down without it turning into some kind of blueberry oatmeal in his hands? He looked about for some kind of shade... yeah as if Scabbior would provide that. He then scurried towards one corner of the room and hunched down, using his back to protect his book bag as he struggled to scribble out the answer within its folds. Hastily folding it inside he ran towards the door and quickly slammed it through the mail slot. Please let it be right, he needs to get out of the rain! Quote:
Originally Posted by Princesspower Sarah was glad that her depulso worked, as she went into the next room.. all seemed fine and she had almost solved the puzzle when... it began raining. Using the charm she had learnt in charms, she managed to keep herself and dry. She then wrote the answer on a piece of partchment and slipped it into the mail box slot Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul OH PHEW! Louisa's feet felt weird on the ground and she stumbled a bit before straightening up and looking around. The crowd sure was thinning now, she was personally content that her fellow seventh years claws were still hanging in there. OH OH, the puzzle! She untucked the quill from her hair and the parchment from inside her shirt, those precautions she took from the floating room, and headed for the message.
HMMM. Obviously the first puzzle was a general easy one because it's supposed to help with what's next. The Ravenlcaw placed the parchment on the wall and--- was it raining?! Her gaze went up to the ceiling, squinting and taking a moment of surprise before quickly scribbling down her answer.
Into the mail slot it went! She crossed her arms and was jumping on the ball of her feet in anticipation. Come ooonnn.... Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura was glad her feet was finally on the ground, though she decided she wanted out of here as fast as she could, shouting "I'm a hogwarts student get me out of here wouldn't work would it?" Laura thought it probably wouldn't so she decided to do the next best thing and answer the quiz.
Laura seriously hoped that was right and she was hoping that the crazy Professor didn't have many more riddles for her to work out. Quote:
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon Woah, holy whiteness! She looked around the next room and noticed the gray clouds over head. Oh please tell me it's not going to- Just as she thought it, she felt the barrage of a hundred droplets of water rushing down on her. Super. And what's the riddle this time? She walked over, hair dripping, to read the riddle. Seems simple enough.
She wrote her answer the best she could on soggy parchment and stuck it through the slat on the door. Your answer is correct! But the door does not open for you! Nor does it open for the person who submitted their answers after you! Strange! As the raindrops continue to fall, another riddle is formed beside the original, only visible to anyone who got the first answers correct. OOC: Do not answer this unless you are one of the people quoted above. Quote:
Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 Max had NOT been allowed inside yet. He was standing there in the rain. It took him a few long moments to realize that a new riddle had appeared for him. Well... that was new. Why were there two riddles in one room? Max squinted at it, read it a few times, and raised his eyebrows. Hmm. Could it really be that simple?
...Or was he not giving it enough thought?
Ah, well. It was worth the risk, wasn't it? Especially if he could have been first into the next room. Max squatted down again, pulled a new piece of parchment from his bag, and used the bag as an umbrella as he scribbled down his answer to the new riddle. After a moment of looking at it, Max folded it up and shoved it through the slot. Quote:
Originally Posted by evilblackdoxy WHAT THE....
Kurumi continued to tug and pull on the door...but nothing happened. Ug, and it was STILL raining and just...not cool. Stepping away from the door and pushing her black bangs away from her face so she could somewhat see, Kurumi grumbled when she saw another clue appear. Not spoken of at all? There was only one thing that came to mind when she saw a specific word in the clue...but it was probably waaaaaay off course, and quickly took out another piece or parchment, cast the same water repelling charm on it, and wrote down her answer before slipping it into the slot.
Biting her lower lip, Kurumi stepped back and looked up at the rain. Uuuuuuuuuuuug. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jack-o'-LantERN Vivi's chin gave a great wibble at the appearance of another clue. That was just more time to be wet and cold, and, unless Scabior was pouring down hot soup and pepper up in this shower, she was going to suffer the consequences.
Her bag was wet now, as was all the parchment, and Vivi struggled to find a piece dry enough for this new riddle's answer. What was it anyway? Something new, which meant a departure from the entire category of answers they had been in before. Well... Might as well guess and try to get out of here faster.
She sneezed. It begins. By now you are completely soaked, but that's alright! The door clicks open and you are now ready for the final room! Enter as quickly as you can! People behind you are catching up.
__________________ {act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure}  {i'll show you} |