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Old 10-31-2012, 10:50 AM   #15 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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OH PHEW! Louisa's feet felt weird on the ground and she stumbled a bit before straightening up and looking around. The crowd sure was thinning now, she was personally content that her fellow seventh years claws were still hanging in there. OH OH, the puzzle! She untucked the quill from her hair and the parchment from inside her shirt, those precautions she took from the floating room, and headed for the message.

HMMM. Obviously the first puzzle was a general easy one because it's supposed to help with what's next. The Ravenlcaw placed the parchment on the wall and--- was it raining?! Her gaze went up to the ceiling, squinting and taking a moment of surprise before quickly scribbling down her answer.

SPOILER!!: 4th Puzzle's answer

Into the mail slot it went! She crossed her arms and was jumping on the ball of her feet in anticipation. Come ooonnn....

Last edited by Kissing.Doves; 11-01-2012 at 12:06 AM.
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