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"Oh...okay..." Lex didn't try to hide the disappointment in her voice. She was really looking forward to a bedtime story... from...from her Head of Hou--Didn't those mean you had to go to bed right afterwards?!!? Hoooold on. Um...that wasn't really going to work. Sleeping anytime soon was a big no no. What if something terrible happened or the force came after them or something?? She didn't want to be asleep and miss the whole thing--she'd never forgive herself!!
All the cool things happened when people sent younger kids to bed but she was determined to stay awake until the last person in the hall was knocked out cold.
"So then...will you participate in the pillow fight...?" There was no way she'd give the woman a chance to sleep either. Nope. She was in charge of them and if she fell asleep they could DIE.
Would she participate in a pillow fight?........... She so badly wanted to say yes. But... it probably wasn't the wisest idea in the Great Hall will ... Oh what the heck.
"Sure... BUT..." she paused, making sure Alexa didn't just take the yes and run with it.
"I have conditions..." very very serious ones.
"We'll do the spooky story first, and THEN, we can have a pillow fight, but no longer than ten minutes, because then it's bed time."
Ten minutes was enough to tire them out right? She sure hoped so.
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Dylan snuck in while his Head of House was talking and acted like he had been there the whole time, didnt need anyone knowing that he had been on a small walk about after curfew cause it just felt cool to be around the school after curfew. The castle was so quiet with people in their sleeping area including the professors, so it had felt cool to actually be around the castle with no-one around and actually for once sneaking around and having a bit of a walk.
He then without meaning to spoke up "Yeah!! spooky stories!!" he blurted out before clapping a hand to his mouth, before acting like he had meant to say that cause he had been here the whole time right! so he sat there as he looked all excited at having spooky stories to tell them. Cause he loved those, even though some were real scary, dad had told off his friends for telling really scary stories to a young guy.. NOT kid.. GUY!!
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"This is like awesome is it not? Sleepover party!" Said Sarah eagerly
"Yeah it is, there is so much we can do"
Sarah gushed
"Sure I will go first!" Said Sarah, "All I need is to be blindfolded and tadaa" this was going to be awesome! "Unless a spooky story or pillow fight is preferred. If you want I can tell a spooky story!" She just needed to think of one...
Well it looked like spooky stories was a-go!
"Wonderful! Thank you Sarah for volunteering, I can't wait to hear it."
Now... she needed somewhere to sit with her tea.
"Spooky story time folks! Gather round!" she announced.
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Nearly Headless Nick
With the plan set in motion Sir Nicholas floated into the Great Hall to check on the well being of his beloved lions. He was so anxious and worried for all of them.
He didn't realize where he was floating before he had floated right through Professor Bentley. Spinning around so fast his head rolled off to hang on his right shoulder Sir Nicholas blurted out ashamed. "So....sorry...Professor Bentley. I didn't see you standing there."
Refastening his head Sir Nicholas with some effort he looked around at the assembled lions. "Is everyone all right? I heard about the lockout from the Fat Lady."
"Aaarrrgghhhhhh!" she yelled, jumping so quickly it wouldn't have surprised her if she left her skin behind. The icy sensation was not unfamiliar, but it was very much unwelcome.
"Nicholas!" she blurted out, still shocked.
After catching her breath, she gave the House Ghost a nod, it was true, obviously. Though, she hadn't heard anything other than that there was a lockout.
"Did the Fat Lady say why?"