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Seren was a number of things, confused, concerned and down right anxious. All she knew at this point was that the students had been locked out of the common room. But what troubled her, was what where her lions doing NOW?...
Upon arriving at the castle, she heard noises in the Great Hall, and decided to duck her head in. Instantly, she felt a wave of relief. Students. Lion students.
"Is everyone accounted for?" she asked striding into their midst, eyes scanning faces as she went.
Kurumi couldn't help but breathe a small sigh of relief when Professor Bentley had arrived. After all, hot cocoa and tea with some sweet snacks could only keep people calm for so long. Stepping around a few sleeping bags - she still had to select one for herself actually - and approached her Head of House. "
And unharmed," Kurumi nodded as she summoned a mug from the table she had set up. "
Tea, professor?"
Best to act sort of casual in this sort of situation, right?
Um...professor...my cat, Walnut, he is locked IN the common room and, um...I'm a little worried what might happen in there..." Like him peeing on EVERYTHING.
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Sarah made her way into the great hall, her narrow feet sticking out. Thankfully Alexa had lent her the robe.. much nicer then walking around in a nightgown.
She first spotted Kurumi, who had seemed to have beaten her downstair and was preparing midnight feast for them "Hey Kurumi Mind if I have some cocoa?" Sarah asked, feeling rather guilty as she had two of Kurumi's cookies in her robes already. She greeted Selina and the she noticed Penelope. "Hey P!" Sarah had just made up a nickname for her friend, actually it was rather spur of the moment. "This is like a sleepover! Alexa and I are planning on telling spooky stories and having an awesome sleepover partay" Said Sarah, rather excited, her book forgotten. She swung her bag around and looked into it. Everyting she needed for the night was there everythere.
Of course," Kurumi smiled as she summoned a mug and repeated the process she had earlier for Selina and Penelope. "I don't mind us having some fun if Professor Bentley doesn't mind...just until people start wanting to go to sleep that is." Because then they should all be quiet and all. But, since there were no classes or homework to worry about...Kurumi didn't see the harm in it.
Here and Selina were known to have the occasional pillow fight in their dorm after all....
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Melanie sighed. She missed her bed already. Slowly she walked into the great hall, wishing she could just hug her teddy bears. Or just Mister Bear. She missed them and was fairly certain that they missed her just as much. Were the common rooms even supposed to be locked? Melanie looked around the Great Hall. Yup, she definitely needed her teddy bear. How was she going to sleep without it? With a slight pout on her face, she walked over to where the long table for Gryffindor used to be. Would they be sleeping in sleeping bags...? No teddy bears? Melanie didn't like that.
"Hello," Melanie said waving her hand at the people there, looking at the sleeping bags. She wanted her teddy bear.
Oh dear...Melanie wasn't looking like her usual self. Not that Kurumi could blame her really. Kurumi was feeling stressed and worrying about what all this implied. "
Melanie, hey," Kurumi chirped with a small wave. "
I know this isn't the tea party we had in mind...but no time like the present?" Kurumi then gestured towards all the mugs and teas and small cookies on the table and then back at the younger Gryffindor.
Sorry...no fancy dresses either.
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So this was what they had to resort to...sleeping in the Great Hall...wow...just wow.
She dragged herself into the Great Hall feeling completely dejected. Her candy was still inside and no one seemed to care. Didn't anyone care whether she was happy or not? Losing candy wasn't the easiest thing to deal with you know.
Walking up to the other Gryffindors she saw that they didn't look very happy either. Did she blame them? Nope. This was a crappy situation and it meant she couldn't bundle with Seri and make more plans. Still...it would have been good to make the most of the situation and Sarah did say they would be telling stories and having fun so....
"I'm here and present too, Professor." She said, walking up behind the woman and throwing herself down. She then turned to the other lions. "Okay guys, I say we make the most of this sooooo, what should we do first???" She would have given suggestions but she had a feeling that between the Professor and Kurumi they would have all been shot down with fierce scowls. Yeah...best to let the others do the thinking for now...
Again. WHY did Alexa always give Kurumi looks like she was out to get her? Kurumi had just pulled the girl off the Hogwarts Express and warned her that if she kept her actions up she could be expelled. Oh, and what had happened?
Yep, that's what we thought.
Well, there is tea, hot cocoa, and some snacks over on the table if you want any," Kurumi said with a small nod towards the set up. When conversation turned to stories
hopefully not ghost stories, she turned her attention back to Professor Bentley with a somewhat expectant look in her eyes.
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Ronnie made her way to the great hall, carrying Oliver in her arms. She glanced around the large room that was covered with sleeping bags, and spotted her fellow lions over where the house table used to be. She looked at all the sleeping bags and grinned. This was actually pretty exciting! It was like....some awesome adventure!
She made her way over to where all the Gryffindors were, making sure not to step on people. Once she found a free sleeping bag, she set Oliver down and got into her sleeping bag. Oliver curled up by her side and closed his eyes, beginning to purr. Ronnie stroked him, looking around the room. This was so weird...she was real curious about how everyone got locked out. What was going on? She had to know...
Kurumi was instantly jealous of Ronnie. SHE had managed to get her familiar out before the lock out. Kurumi had been too busy at the prefect event to have been able to have ducked back into the common room for a few minutes to get her things and Walnut before it became impossible to even approach it. SIGH.
Hey Ronnie, you want something hot to drink?"
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Ira stumbled in, still sleepy from the kitchen, after a delicious snack of cookies and ice cream. And now that she had heard about the sleeping areas in the great hall, she wandered in just as Professor Bentley was taking a rain check it seemed.
"I'm here too, Professor" she said. Had Professor forgotten her? "I was down in the kitchen"
Bedtime stories?? Nope, the idea didn't appeal much. Or.. How about pillow fight?" she asked smirking. But wait, were there any pillows around? And if not, then bedtime stories was fine
At the mention of pillow fight, Kurumi shot Selina a slight smirk before looking back at Ira. "
How about we start with something small before going in to something big," Kurumi suggested with a wink. She had the feeling that a pillow fight starting NOW could snowball a bit too much and the Heads of House from all four houses were trying to make sure everyone was alright. Maybe once people had settled in though?