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Rupert-Grint-Fan Logan laughed at what she said and then nodded. "Yeah, of course! We'll make ours super awesome and VERY big. It'll be like a gingerbread MANSION!" he said, stretching his arms out wide to show how big it'd be. . .well, it'd be bigger than how wide his arms were but. . .yeah, you get the picture.
Ameliah grinned, nodding excitedly.
"It'll be even bigger than Aunt Lucy's!!!!! And each room will be made of a different candy!!" HER room would be made of chocolate, of course. And the kitchen could have Every Flavor beans, since you can make EVERY FLAVOR in a kitchen!!!! See, all this Claw smarts come to use! Then the living room would be mage of gummy's so it'd be the comfy-est. GRIN.