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Princesspower Sarah was happy to accompany Alexa on her candy spree, after all when it came to Alexa and sweets it was like life threatening to Alexa not to have some! She had a bit of money on her, yet the store was so tantelizing. In fact, the only way Sarah could stop herself from spending so much money on sweets was this: She said to herself over and over... I have everything I need! You see the Edwards children, being not from wealthy parentage were thrifty with an inbuilt budgeting system. From the time they were young, they had to differenciate between their needs and their wants. Their parents would pay for the needs, while the wants were to be paid for by their own money. They earned money from doing odd jobs as well as they got money on their birthday.
Sarah was happy Alexa was like her... time was too precious to waste so she hurried after her friend. "I know about the day light, it gets dark so early in the winter!" Sarah said. "What are you planning to get first?" asked Sarah curiously
Once Lex found exactly what she was looking for she couldn't stop grabbing. The more she put into her hands was the more she wanted--
needed. Thanks to the lock out her sugar level had dropped and she could feel herself slipping into candy withdrawl. YES there was such a thing and YES she was on the verge of suffering from it.
One didn't just hype a kid up on candy all her life only to have it get stolen in one evening by something she couldn't even see. No. Life didn't work like that. It just didn't.
"Weeeell," She started when Sarah finally made her way over to her.
"I wanna get some chocolate frogs!!--Scratch that, I want A LOT of chocolate frogs and a few cauldron cakes for the Shiny Ground's Keeper..." oh but then she'd need some EXTRA chocolate frogs 'cause she promised him she'd get him some of those too. Merlin she was gonna need tonnes of this stuff.
She needed