be curious, not judgmental Hot chocolate? That was probably the only perk from walking from the ground floor to the seventh floor, only to find that the common room had kicked them out, then going all the way back down to the ground floor again. That was a LOT of stairs, all right? And Max didn't even have any comfortable clothes to change into to sleep in. So that was a bummer.
"Count me in," he replied to the professor who offered, finally taking the opportunity to remove his outerwear and plop them down at the feet of the nearest vacant sleeping bag in the Ravenclaw section, purposely close to where Vickers and Louisa seemed to be camped for the night. Upon kicking his shoes off and properly reserving his spot, he hurried to take a cup of hot chocolate - "thanks," he said - then sat down right on top of his claimed sleeping bag, legs crossed pretzel-style.
He sipped at the beverage, acknowledged his friends and housemates nearby, and proceeded to people-watch. And his gaze did wander over to the Hufflepuff section to see if Em was there yet.
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