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First Theo, then Logan... and now Dylan accompanied by West. Oh look the Terror Twins are united. Meh, there were so many people in the Great Hall now. Kat was considering of sneaking off, Theo's brilliant idea of having fun and leaving. Oh how she wish she could. And no, don't mistaken this for claustrophobia.
Looking up, Kat smiled at the two boys standing in front of the little group. "
Hi Captain," Kat said then turned to the other second year. "
Hi West. Congrats you're 13 now." Wait, how did you know that Kat?
"Sup." West said, all cool-like and then nodded enthusiastically.
"Yeah its okay. The only bad thing is like what my dad said, about not getting away with stuff anymore. I liked blaming stuff on being little." He was still a BIT little, right? Right? It wasn't like he'd grown a MILLION inches from one day to the next, even if his legs hurt like aaaall the time, like they were stretching across a Quidditch Pitch. All his bestest friends though, they were NOT thirteen yet. Like, did that make him the boss? Probably. He looked at Theo. Yeah. It did. He was the boss. Oldest and tallest.
It made him feel better.
But wait a second, who told Kat about his birthday? He peered at her from behind his glasses.
"Did you get me a present?" He asked, instead.
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PFFT - anywhere was better than sharing a room with the whole school. Out of ALL these students, he was sure that at least one of them would be sick. So their sick germs were in the air for his precious lungs to be victimized. Theo thought about these stuffs, obviously.
Don't say THAT." Sheeeeeeeesh, as if he wasn't already paranoid?!
Sneak off wheeeeeeere? Hmm...
I dunno, we could go spying on professors." Really, they could do that on any night, but tonight felt more mischievous. Theo knew which professor HE would like to spy on first. COUGH-Professor Ballaire-COUGH. "
Unless YOU had a better idea?" He was all ears.
here was his people. Theo was glad, or else he would go mad from too much girl attention. He couldn't exactly blame them for that, though, being clearly irresistible and stuff.
I'm okay." He would soldier on. "
Never thought my life would stoop to sleeping in a bag, but okay." Sure, sleeping in bags was normal for any other kid, when they had sleepovers and stuff. Theo tried a sleepover once at his next door neighbours, but he got homesick and walked out the door by 11pm.
Anyway - Westttttttt.
You're back!" He beamed at his bestie. He'd seen him briefly on the quidditch pitch during practice, but he hadn't SEEN seen him. "
How was Egypt?" And where was his gift?
"Its good to be back properly." He agreed and flopped down on the nearest empty sleeping bag. Why was it such a girly colour though? Maybe Dylan would fix them, make them green and awesome.
"Egypt was real cool, but would have been even cooler if you came too. Maybe I should ask my dad for next time. He made me do homework and stuff though." West said, and took his backpack off, from which he extracted some interesting things.
Interesting such as, Chocolate SCARABS which were pretty much the same as chocolate frogs, only they were scarab beetles, and instead of a famous witches and wizards card, each one had a mini prize inside, things like what you might find inside a Christmas cracker. He tossed one to Theo. There were also little mummy figures, wrapped in miniature bandages that were made of marshmallow, and if you unwrapped them all the way, then on the inside were skeletons made of licorice. The other interesting one were miniature pyramids, the outside were chocolate coated in crispy edible 'sand' (which was really crumbled up biscuit pieces, and the inside was a gooey red raspberry filling, which was somehow warm in the mouth, like a sip of a hot chocolate.
"I brought some Egyptian Wizarding candy back. You guys want some too?" As in, other than Theo, who West had already made sure there was some for his friend. That was a given. He also had a few things for Theo in his bag. And a thing for Blue. And a thing for a few other people who he'd thought of when thing shopping.