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Poking at her vial and making it spin around a few times before snatching it back up, Kurumi lifted her gaze towards the younger Slytherin and offering her the vial. "I am if you are," she said, palm open with the vial of clear potion resting on it.
She reached into her bag and pulled out her Potions parchment and glanced over the notes. Like waking up from a pleasant nap...so Kurumi wouldn't even remember what had been asked or how she had answered? This was sounding even better by the second.
Folding the parchment up again, Kurumi extended her hand a bit more, waiting to see if she would take it or not.
Heh. The slytherin girl looked at the Gryffindor girl. she sure was strange. she then looked down noting she was holding her vial out for her. Ari picked up her vial and put in in the girls hand as she took hers
"alright. Let's do this." ariana really didnt wake up this morning thinking
'i'm going to take kurumi hollingberry's truth serum today' but then again the girl never really did much thinking. Alright Gryffiendor girl. let's do this!