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"Hold on there, Miss Hollingberry. Easily fixed." Standing up, Medea took out her wand and pointed it at the girl's swollen hand. In no time, it was back to it's original size. "Incantation gone wrong?" From the looks of it.
Kurumi nodded slowly, taking a quick glance at Nessie but her eyes not lingering there for too long. "
Mispronounced incantation," she replied. You know, just in case the reason made a difference as to how to fix it. THANKFULLY, Professor Romanos was quick to act and her sausage fingers deflated. Flexing them a little just to make sure that she still had the bones in her fingers, Kurumi sighed with relief when it appeared as though everything was alright. "
Thanks, professor." And she wiggled her fingers in Nessie's direction to make sure that the Hufflepuff saw that she was alright.
No more sausage fingers!