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ForeverYours Bliss had been sat in the same position for a long time now, and as she turned round to greet Laura, she groaned. Her joins hated her. Who needed silly muscles? PSH. Oh, everyone. Right. Bliss sighed and looked up at her cousin. "Hey, Laura," she said cheerfully and grinned. "I'm okaaay, a liiiitle tired. YOU?" She asked and beamed at Laura.
This would either be a great night or a rubbish night and only time would tell.
Laura looked at her cuz and smiled. "Hey Bliss." Laura really could wait for this, she went over and sat by her cousin. "Well if your tired why don't you sleep young lady." Laura decided to put on best motherly face. "Saying that why aren't you asleep young lady." Laura giggled as she tried to keep a straight face. "I'm great, just hoping they would find out who caused the common room to stop letting people in."