Text Cut: Cassia the lady Cuteness
Originally Posted by
the fastest seeker
The twelve-years old smiled again at the girl. "Pleasure to meet you, Kat." She liked meeting new people so maybe sleeping here would allow her to meet all of her house-mates, not all maybe but more than she already knows. "And sure I know. You even scored a goal at the last match." Yup Cassia could remember this despite her not-so-good memory. For the second-year was at the stands cheering and watching closely. Though memories of that day remind her of the Snakes' loss and Theo's injury and other things that are not so cheerful. She pushed those memories to the back of her head and reached for the sleeping bag slipping into it.
Once settled she turned back to Kat. Yup she was now all set to start babbling chatting. "You know at first I didn't like the idea of sleeping here but maybe it's not that bad right?" she told the other Snake. "Though I still don't like the color of the sleeping bags..I mean purple! Who chose it!" She wrinkled her nose eyeing the bags."And I don't know if I can sleep without my fluffy pillow." She sighed. Then she realized that she just spoke that out loud and she was planing on not telling this because it would make her look childish. Her shortness was enough. So she cleared her throat and added quickly, "I-I.. mean it's not comfortable sleeping in clothes. Pajamas are way more comfy." That sounded more older-like. Or so she hoped.
Whoa. Now this girl even remembers Kat scoring for the game. Exquisite memory you've got, child. Though Kat won't ever forget that because that was her first goal in her whole Quidditch life. "
It's a pleasure to meet you too, Cassia," Kat smiled. She likes this girl. She's not anything like some of the students in the younger years, spoiled and loud. An great example for that would be Cambridge and Wheeler. They're probably the loudest duo Kat ever knew. But well, they both won't be able to talk so long in here because it's open to
all students. Kat's very confidential when it comes to conversations.
Oh, this kid also had ideas. Ideas out of this world, for Merlin's sake. But Kat can't say she wasn't like this girl when she was a Firstie or Second Year. "
No, I don't think sleeping here would be so bad," Kat shook her head. It won't be that cozy as sleeping in their Dorms but it sure would be fun to prank people while they sleep or maybe giggle when one of these students start snoring. Yeah stop getting out of the topic, Kat. Purple, a bad color? Not really. "
Well we don't seem to have a choice now, do we?" It's better to sleep in an ugly-colored sleeping bag than to sleep in nothing at all. Well that's cute, this girl had a fluffy pillow. Kat knows the feeling. Her comforter was stairs away from her. She loved those comforters... Kat just giggled. "
Yes, pajamas are comfortable," she nodded. "
Though I'd still prefer having my pillows and blanket with me." Hey, everyone's a kid in the inside right?