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Old 10-26-2012, 09:14 AM   #46 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Default catching up..
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good

Text Cut: Professor
Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
Gemma shook her head at each of the students' answers and was even impressed by the SLYTHERIN (=0]) Prefect's answer. She beamed at the young girl, "Sierra, great job at connecting this to DADA. Two points for Slytherin!" yes she loved when students tried to connect MS with something else they had learned.

She continued on, "Great list of superheroes from last time!" she said raising her hands in the air excitedly. "Well, you can't have a superhero without an arch nemesis for them fight against. It's just like in literature where you must have a protagonist and an antagonist in a story..." yes she was relating this lesson with one of her lessons from last term and she hoped some of the students caught the vocabulary and the connection.

The professor walked a little bit closer to one of the posters of the villains and glanced at the evil grin of the Joker, "Just like in fairy tales, our superhero stories also have a villain that they must fight. In some of the stories these villains have superpowers that they use for evil...some have lots of money that they use to corrupt the world and those around them...and some are just plain evil..." she let the last word slither off her tongue with distaste.

"How bout everyone share a villain from your favorite movie or story, fictional or nonfictional....this doesn't have to be a superhero villain...just any villain in general from the Muggle or Wizarding world..." she asked the question and then answered her own question, "One of my most favorite villains is Ursula from Disney's the Little Mermaid." she shared her choice and then glanced out at the students to encourage their answers.

OOC: Okey's your turn....remember to raise your hand before you answer and not to repeat others' answers. We'll be back later tonite to continue the lesson. If you need to catch up, remember to put that somewhere in your title. Thanks everyone!

So she had been sitting quietly. Because she has poor knowledge of the muggle world. But she was here for that reason too. Her father urged her to take this subject in order to know about the muggles. And actually knowing about their life is interesting actually.

And so far she had no answer to the questions until this one. A villian? She only knows one muggle story. Liam her nextdoor neighbor had told her about it. The second-year raised her hand and spoke. "There's Captain Hook from Peter Pan." She didn't know much about him but she knew that he was evil!
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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