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"How bout everyone share a villain from your favorite movie or story, fictional or nonfictional....this doesn't have to be a superhero villain...just any villain in general from the Muggle or Wizarding world..." she asked the question and then answered her own question, "One of my most favorite villains is Ursula from Disney's the Little Mermaid." she shared her choice and then glanced out at the students to encourage their answers.
Super villians! Talk about A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
Kat tried to remember who those super villians in the video were. She knew some because she did go have a sleepover at a Muggle friend's house before attending Hogwarts. They watched different movies there and Kat was fond of some of those movies. Especially all the action movies and the occasional humor that accompanied them as well. Kat raised her hand as she remember one of them. "
I remember Captain Hook from the video you showed us, Professor," Kat said with a smile. "
He really likes to foil Peter Pan and he wants him to..." Scared of the word, Kat? "