SPOILER!!: first question
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Peeking it to see if everyone was seated and safe, Gemma took a quick breath in and flicked her wand. Instantly all of the lights in the room went out, leaving the classroom completely dark.
From all around the students came an evil laugh that echoed through the classroom and then disappeared. Then at the front of the room a video started playing on the Screen hanging from the ceiling.
Link to Villians Montage Video
When the video ends, the lights slowly come back up in the classroom and Professor Cerulean is standing at the front of the room. She is dressed as one of her favorite Comic Superhero, the Dark Phoenix. It was hard for her decide between Poison Ivy and Dark Phoenix but the Phoenix won out in the end.
Standing in a very powerful stance, she smiles at the class and says, "
Welcome everyone to our second Muggle Studies class!" she glances around the room and takes note of the different masks and of those not wearing one. "
Thank you for coming and to those that followed the first directions on the board." she said the last in a passive aggressive voice trying to get her point across that she didn't appreciate those not willing to participate....it was just for fun and she always tried to make things a little bit different than usual lessons...you know the boring ones in the castle.
Last time we did a brief introduction to Muggle Superheroes...I hope some of ya'll had a chance to sneak to the library and check out some of the books and comics dealing with those Superheroes we discussed." she said finally sinking into her usual positive attitude and demeanor.
Can anyone remember the name of a superhero and their power that we discussed last time?" she asked glancing around the classroom at all of the faces.
OOC: Okay class has officially started, so that means conversations should be ending. Please remember to raise your hand before you answer a question and try not to repeat others' answers. And remember Gemma is always watching you...dun dun dun duuuuuunnnnnn! 
Mask still resting on her lap, Kurumi slipped off her shoes so she could cross her legs and sit a little more relaxed like in her beanbag - and just in time it seemed as the lights went off, there was another video montage, and the professor made another grand appearance. All to which Kurumi simply took out her parchment and quill and set it half hazardously on her lap.
Library? Kurumi had been there...but her research had been on other things - creature related and pertaining to the jewels in the hourglasses. Maybe next time she would go check out some superhero book or comic.
And for review...Kurumi waited a moment, listening to what the others ha to say and trying to avoid repeating the same answer she had last time. Only the moment she thought about sharing someone else, they were crossed off her parchment of notes. So...repeat it was once her hand was raised. "
There is Sailormars, a famous superhero from Japan, and she has the power to control fire and is the reincarnation of the Princess of Mars."
All said in a small voice because Kurumi felt overtly shy about not being able to venture outside of her box on the subject.
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"How bout everyone share a villain from your favorite movie or story, fictional or nonfictional....this doesn't have to be a superhero villain...just any villain in general from the Muggle or Wizarding world..." she asked the question and then answered her own question, "One of my most favorite villains is Ursula from Disney's the Little Mermaid." she shared her choice and then glanced out at the students to encourage their answers.
Cue another small eyebrow raise from the Gryffindor as she waved her quill over her parchment and kind-of-sort-of took notes. Really? Still trying to make up to Sierra for mistaking her house by buying her off with points? Well, actually...that WOULD work with Sierra and was Kurumi allowed to have negative thoughts about the Slytherin now that they were kind-of-sort-of friends? If Kurumi had connected the fire reading to Divination she was pretty sure she would not have been rewarded with points...so what was the Muggle Studies professor up to?
Kurumi smelled conspiracy. Yep.
Wait...favorite nonfictional villain? Kurumi sort of found that a subjective option and returned her thoughts to the comics she had managed to sneak peeks at growing up. Okay, so she needed to move away from the magical girl area a little or else her cheeks were going to glow an even deeper shade of pink. So, hand up it was. "
Sesshomaru from Inu Yasha. He is a extremely powerful full-blooded demon and his name translates roughly to 'Killing Perfection.'" Although...he sort of had some redeaming qualities in the end. All the villains she had grown up with did really...it was what made their stories so complicated and interesting. It wasn't just black and white.