Well then....AH!
The door! it just...closed! She shot Hannah a fearful look and then...ah..the words...and a smirk crept across her face...well....this should be VERY interesting. Ravenclaws already had to answer riddles to get into their common room! EVERY Ravenclaw should be able to do this! *eyes them all*
So she read the riddle a few times to herself..she didn't much care about being first...more about being right the first time..better not to rush, no? She yeaaah, she was trying to be ABSOLUTELY sure...but then she..realized that this riddle wasn't too hard, actually.
It was actually really obvious after the line about the chill...and just it all FIT! Elliot smirked to herself as she wrote the answer down, quite aware that she may not have been first..but...she didn't care? Hehehe.
SPOILER!!: Answerrr!
Originally Posted by Elliot's answaaah!
Ahem. Ghosts. Clearly.