SPOILER!!: Kaos.Doodles
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As the last student enters the "classroom" the door slams shut and then suddenly disappears! Don't be completely scared however, in front of you- across from the door your entered, a second door appears. This door is slightly different, old and with a mail slot.
Beside the door the old message is suddenly replaced with a new one:
The object of todays lesson to to make it out of the classroom through use of your logic. You will go through a number of different rooms, each with their own riddles. The answer to each riddle should be placed on a piece of paper and pushed through the mail slot. If your answer is right then you will be allowed entry to the next room. If your answer is wrong, you will be deflected back into your current room, in other words you continue trying. The first person to the last room is excused from homework. Do not share your answers. Any person who shares an answer will be stuck in the room until the first person reaches the last room. If any serious problems occur knock hard on the wall behind you three times.
-Professor Scabior
Riddle 1:
We are not wizards.
We are not witches.
We are all magical beings.
At first when you see us,
You may have thoughts of fleeing.
And if you feel the need to touch us for a bit of thrill,
You will find yourself overcome with a little chill.
We all look different from each other,
Yet have a silvery glow.
What are we exactly?
You see us every day, you really ought to know.
OOC: The first person to reach the last room will also receive maximum points from the homework they were excused from. Place your answers in spoilers and NO CHEATING GUYS! I will post next to tell you if you are right or wrong, and if you are right I will give you the next riddle and it will continue on like that. Any questions just VM or PM me!
Daichi turned his head from where he was seated against the wall towards the door. Hearing the door shut close, he thought that the Professor would walk in to start the class but as he looked better he noticed that there was no door! The door was gone!
Wait, was this a joke? Did the Professor thought it was funny to lock them all up? But just as he thought he felt something changing behind him. With a startle, Daichi quickly jumped up from the ground when he felt the wall behind him shift. There was a door now and it seemed to be locked.
Then something else got his attention when the old message from earlier got replaced with something else. It was a good thing he was pretty tall for his age so he could look over a few student's heads to read the message in the small room. A riddle? So if they got the riddle right they could enter the next room?
But...he was bad at these riddle things?! He could answer the easy riddles but he was sure that the further he got, the more difficult the riddles would get! And what if he failed and would be the only person left in this room? Okay, he should just..uhm...try...
Daichi began to read the riddle with an utmost concentration on his features. Not wizards and witches? muggles perhaps? No that couldn't be it because the next line said it was magical. He continued to read. Fleeing...he would flee for fire but he didn't think that that would be the answer. Oh wait a second, Chill! silvery glow....With a sudden twinkle in his eyes , the Slytherin thought he knew the answer.
He quickly ripped off a piece of paper out of his note book and pressed it against a nearby wall, looking around him to see if anyone was trying to look at his answer he wrote it down.
Now he should push the paper through the mail slot right? Daichi walked to the door and waited until the student in front of him was done giving the answer and pushed his own piece of paper through the slot.
Now he had to hope it was the right answer.