Louisa gave Vivi a relieved grin when she showed up, and was even more relieved when the blonde explained what she'd do if the walls started closing in. The mere idea gave the Head Girl the shudders though. When she was about to say something, the door they came from shut itself up and vanished.
The Ravenclaw tried so hard not to pale or turn yellowish, her eyes did bulge out a bit though revealing how surprised and uneasy she was right then. Oh, but look! There was a new message beside the new door. She stared at the riddle for about five seconds and the answer popped up in her head immediately, the last line giving it away. Louisa's hands fumbled with the parchment and the quill, she tried using her knee like Max but she lost her balance quickly. When she looked at Vivi, the girl was giving her a
look. Huh. She wasn't challenging her, was she? jfhglfdjkg. Louisa fumbled even more with the parchment and by the time she wrote down her answer using the wall behind her, all her 'claw year mates were already done.
She pushed through the smaller shorter bodies in front of her and slipped the parchment into the mail slot.