Muggle Studies Lesson #2: Villains
When you first enter the Muggle Studies classroom, you can once again hear a variety of Muggle Superhero theme songs playing in the background and filling the classroom with excitement. This time they have a little bit more of an eerie and sinister sound to them. And everything is geared towards Villains instead of Superheroes this time around.
Hanging on the walls, are posters of different Villains, both from Comic Books and Movie Posters. There is the Joker, Lex Luther, Doctor Octopus, Magneto, Loki, Cat Woman, Dr. Doom, Doomsday, and many more. The room has huge drapeings all over it in Dark Green, Dark Blue, and Red. And around the room are scattered arches of balloons but this time they are in deep blues, blacks, and grays. The room has taken on a little bit of a sinister air.
There is a table in the corner with a variety of goodies that will refill instantly if emptied. There are little bags beside the goodies for you to fill up with Muggle Candy which has been creatively named to match various Villians.
There are also glasses of Muggle Kool-Aid in Green, Blue, or Red. In the middle of everything is a Villains themed caked that will be cut into later on.
There are no desks in the room, just a variety of different colored bean bags laid out all over the place. The bean bags have been charmed to be extra squishy and comfy. Beside each bean bag is a basket. The basket has a white piece of paper with a simple mask drawn on it, a package of markers and colored pencils, a piece of string, and some scissors.
On the board in the front of the room is a note that states: Quote:
Welcome to Muggle Studies!
Please have a seat and start decorating the mask placed in the basket beside your bean bag. It can be either Superhero or Villain inspired. Feel free to be creative and have fun with this. I expect to see everyone with a mask on by the time class starts.
See you in a few minutes!
OOC: Please come in and have a seat. Feel free to have small conversations but remember that Gemma is always watching. Class will officially begin in the morning. Sorry for the delayed was hectic in RL...
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*Lesson Quick Links*~
*To be updated as the lesson progresses...feel free to answer old questions if you come in late OOC, just make sure you put Makeup or Catching Up or something like that in your title of your post...and never RP your charrie coming in late to class*
1. Welcome to Class...Class Rules...Introduction to Villains Question One: Can anyone remember the name of a superhero and their power that we discussed last time?
2. Introduction to Villains Question Two: How bout everyone share a villain from your favorite movie or story, fictional or nonfictional....this doesn't have to be a superhero villain...just any villain in general from the Muggle or Wizarding world...
3. Villains Quiz
4. Divide up Villain Groups Introduction to Group Work
5. Show Time
6. End of Lesson and Homework Posting |