SNOW! no fire! YAY~!
Now this was a lesson Daichi would probably enjoy. He had not seen anything firey as of now so that was a good sign right? But still, it was a bit cold and the Slytherin shivered as he tried to keep his gloved hands warm. The green and silver scarf was wrapped around his neck and the
duck hat he had gotten from Jonathan at the beginning of the year was on top of his head.
What were they going to do this lesson? Daichi thought for an answer and as he thought he listened to his classmates as well. He froze for a second when a few of them mentioned fire or reading smoke signs and the Slytherin shook his head.
"NO!" NO FIRE! NO SMOKE! NOTHING THAT INVOLVES FIRE! THE END! He had enough of classes where there was fire. DADA, CoMC and now this?! So pleeeease let those students be wrong!
"Professor! If they are right with their fire thingies i am out of here!" Atleast she was warned.
"So i'm hoping we are going to have a snowball fight and study the lines the balls fly to.. Snowball fight divination" legit right?