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Taylor came into the courtyard to where the Divination class was being held. She smiled, "Good afternoon, Professor." Tay beamed at the professor then went over to Alexa. Taylor hugged her friend, "Hey, Lex." She straighten her cloak and grew silent, still standing by her friend.
Lex watched Taylor walk up to the Professor and greet her before giving her a hug.
"Hiya Taylor!" She said with a GRIN. Alexa hadn't seen Taylor in a while so fancy meeting her here...although...this was where they all had class...nevermind...
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Fantastic! They would be having their lesson in the courtyard. It was only freezing...what could go wrong? She was glad that once she got over to where the professor was because it seemed as though she had charmed it to be warmer. Still, she was not happy about it.
"Hello professor." she was one of the first ones to class and didn't see anybody that she liked. She recognized Alexa, but that girl was mental so she just gave her a nice glare and waited for someone else to show up.
Ooooohhh and look! Crazy Snake Girl was glaring at her. So nice to know she remembered her and of course she got a smile toooo. In fact she got more than a smile. Lex began waving her hand at the girl in greeting with quite the eager smile spread across her face. Yup. She could be nice while being annoying, it was all an exact science that she would teach Hannah one day...if she was nice enough...SMIRK.
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Laura walked into the courtyard and saw the Professor and smiled. "Professor Elwood splended to meet you again Professor." Laura smiled at the Professor. "Have you been keeping well Professor?" Laura was now seriously trying to hold back the giggles if this was how girls who behaved talked she was glad she was a bit mischieves.
Then Alexa saw Laura walk up. She thought to ignore her like she'd been doing for a while but then--then the girl started talking like someone straight out of one of those old novels her step-mother liked reading. She stood, hardly able to keep a straight face as the girl greeted the Professor. By the end she was snickering.
Laura had seriously let herself go. Ever since she allowed Lex to bully her back in November she just hadn't been the same...now she was Miss Manners. It's a shame when one allowed themselves to be intimidated and outdone by an 11 year old. Especially when that 11 year old was such a darling.