Thread: Puppy Pen
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Old 10-23-2012, 04:30 AM   #24 (permalink)
D.A Forever
Dark Force Defense League

Join Date: Aug 2006
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Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
"Casa the grandpa." Legend responded, catching the last bit of the conversation between Laih and a man about her dog. Didn't she know she was not suppose to talk to strangers?!?! Sure she was almost of age, so WHAT? She was still that little girl who he would feed oreos and give piggy backs to.

Shrugging his arm across Lainie's shoulder he grinned and knelt down right beside her. "How's my favourite official unofficial niece doing?" Was she- OH THE PUPPIES! They were cuter than he expected. The only baby animal Legend could remember was Pluto the fox, and maybe a bit of TK. Alright, Casa as well but still! They were all so long ago. Taking back his arm, he looked at the remaining puppies that were in the pen. Without really thinking Legend reached for a sleeping one that seemed to be the smallest or perhaps its brown coat just made it appear to be different.
Her poor old boy.. a grandpa. Lainie giggled at the thought, "He's not that old.. or well.." Yes, actually. Yes he was. Just not to her. "Only to young pups like them." She replied, ever so pleased. Legend was here!

Beaming at the blonde haired young man as he knelt beside her and put his arm over her, Laih tried very hard to make a face at the word 'unofficial', but her pout failed miserably. "Official unofficial?" He'd only known her since.. oh let's see.. her diaper days? "Your niece is doing amazing now that you're heeere!" Before the puppies could steal her uncle Legend's attention, Laih quickly leaned into his side and gave him a hug.

Now, puppies? Yes? Laih could burst with excitement, hazel eyes dancing with joy as she plopped down on her bum next to the pen and Legend, crossing her legs under her and simply watched. So much for asking, but hey, her uncle was an Auror! Surely the owner wouldn't mind, anyway. She had just been trying to be polite. "Have you ever had a dog, Uncle Legend?" It was an honest question. Laih didn't remember a time that he had, but she was also younger.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.

Last edited by D.A Forever; 10-23-2012 at 04:36 AM. Reason: can't ever get the color code right!
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