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Everyone was doing well, odd. "Alright, now retrieve your mortar and pestle from your potions kit, and, after making sure it is clean, put the two tablespoons of poppy seeds into it. Start grinding them down to a dust and then breaking up with your hand the seven sprigs of Valerian, put them in the morter. Then crush it together with the poppy dust. Be sure to then add the contents to your potions." And she demonstrated it all.
They were moving on. Lex reached into her potions kit and pulled out both the mortar and the pestle. She picked up a teaspoon of poppy seeds but remember something at the last minute.
"Oh yeah...you guys have to be cleaned..." Mmm. Replacing it next to the other ingredients she aimed at the mortar and pestle.
"Scourgify." Eeeeeeeeeeeeppppp!!! It worked on the first go!! It was official. She was soooo getting better at the spell casting stuff. Well...for the simply spells anyway. Uh...but back to the potion.
She began crushing the poppy seeds until they were as fine as dust. Once that was done she reached over and got the sprigs of valerian. Just then her hand brushed against something.
"Oh, Mr. Leech. Just sit tight, we'll get you something to eat when class is done." What did leeches eat anyway? Hopefully it liked chocolate.
Turning to her crushing again she crushed the valerian into the poppy seed dust until they started looking like one big heap of dust. Good. Perfect. Next she threw it all in the potion.
Lex stepped back and eyed the cauldron. The way she saw it, there would be a lot of lingualaxus left over when she was done. Now what would she do with it first...?