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Old 10-22-2012, 06:32 PM   #233 (permalink)
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Maryadoc Trent
Default All caught up!
Welcome Witch | Blue Galactic Hand Slytherin Graduate

Originally Posted by Droo View Post

"Good. Now, take the 4 Billywig Wings and the 3 Belladonna leaves, and crush them loosely in your hands, letting the brittled pieces fall in the cauldron." She said demonstrating how to do so.

Everyone was doing well, odd. "Alright, now retrieve your mortar and pestle from your potions kit, and, after making sure it is clean, put the two tablespoons of poppy seeds into it. Start grinding them down to a dust and then breaking up with your hand the seven sprigs of Valerian, put them in the morter. Then crush it together with the poppy dust. Be sure to then add the contents to your potions." And she demonstrated it all.
Carefully selecting the best looking Billywing Wings and Belladonna leaves out of the ones that she brought back, she scrunched them in her hand. They were very brittle. And loosley, very witch like; she sprinkeles them into her cauldron.

This time, Olivia washed out her mortar and pestal with "Aquamenti!". Not being framilliar with any drying spells, she used her scarf to dry the motrter and pestal. Hope nobody saw that. Scan, scan, shifty. She leveled off two tablespoons of poppy seeds and dumped them in. Once they were grinded, she broke up the valerian. She was unsure how broken up they were supposed to be. Were they meant to be really tiny? She broke them up at kind of a mid-ways length.

After she sarted crushing them up with her poppy dust, she realized that the length diddn't matter that much! They would get crushed up into tiny pieces by the morter and pestal anyways.

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