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Demitria was ready to meet new people, she felt a little estranged from her social life. The past year has had so many events that turned her life upside down. Not to mention finally landing a job here at the Ministry! It was a lot to take it, yet her smile was a big as the building and as bright as the sun. It was a good day.
She smiled at the people around her, Demi's best friend happened to have worked in the Ministry. Also her best friend's father was the Sugarplum's shop owner.
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Tamara Scamander was not impressed with most of the big affairs of the Ministry. Not really. It meant that people would likely speak to her with bad breath or something horrendous as such. SIGHS.
Seeing as she did work for the Minister's office she HAD to be a team player, though. Bah. Tam placed a lovely smile on and smoothed down the front of her pencil skirt as she stepped into the "meet and greet area". Hopefully she could find Althea pretty quickly and they could mill around together.
Victoria happened to see two people standing alone. Well she had a few comet o her, so it was now time to go to other people. she walked up to them and smiled,
"Hello, My name is Victoria. I am new here and wanted to introduce myself." She felt her nerves jump, but tried to control them so she could get to know as many people as possible. It was time to branch out and meet the people she could be working next to as well as living near.