Post #1 Where oh where is my crab? Eliza followed her chicken scratch directions she had written on a small piece of parchment to help her find her way back to the Care of Magical Creature buildings. Finding places was not her strong point, so as she had left class last time, she sketched a miniature map to help herself get back. It might seem silly to anyone noticing her holding it, but she was still pretty new here and got lost easily. Once she arrived, her breath was nearly taken away by the lush rain forest inside the sanctuary. She looked up at all of the tall plants, spinning in a slow circle as she did so to take it all in. This is amazing! she thought to herself. The balmy temperature was a nice climate change from the real wintery world outside. I might have to learn to speak Fire Crab so I can live here too! When she had given herself enough time to adjust to her new exotic surroundings, she noticed the line of stalls that contained the crabs. She knew she wanted to find the one she had worked with in class since it had behaved to nicely for her, so she hurried herself along to see if it had been claimed already.
She looked in at the resident of each stall as she went down the row. Well this is nice that they get full stalls here instead of those crate cages. She knew they had been used for ease of transportation, but it was still nice to see the crabs have a little more wiggle room. Her eyes flicked from crab to crab. Blue jewels, fuchsia! There, that must be it! She opened the door and slowly approached the crab. Upon further inspection though, she saw that this was not her crab. Professor Newlin said that mine was a girl...and this crab has a long, wide tail - so it's a male. She quickly backed out of the stall and closed the door. She felt that she and her crab had bonded somewhat and she did not know what to expect of this male look-a-like. "Sorry 'bout yah luck with dem cuhluhs, mate!" she said in a shoddy Australian accent to the boy crab. She was in a silly mood today. |