At the unveiling of the gloves and shoes, Eliza was somewhat relieved, although sort of illogically so. She was more comfortable wearing charmed shoes, hoping they'd hold up, than she was with having a live person actively sending her up there. I suppose I just trust Medea's wand skills more than I do my fellow classmates. Maybe it wasn't so irrational after all.
Medea's spider caught her attention with the soft clinking of its metal legs. Where on earth did she get that? she wondered. It was so interesting that she wanted one of her own as well. How neat would that be to have a little mechanical creature following me around? At least until I get a kneazle that is... As she walked over to the box to put on her gloves and shoes, she waited for the professor to have a free moment. These shoes sure are...interesting, she thought as she wiggled each toe into place. Once those were on, she stood straight and tugged on the gloves. Oh, I should probably drink the potion first, duh! She slipped them back off and walked over to the table to take a drink. The color was a bit off-putting and the reactions from the other students told her it would be anything but enjoyable. Down the hatch! She looked past her palette and gulped the unpleasant potion down. "Eeck," she muttered as she set her empty cup back down. She turned to Medea while she put her gloves on for the second time and asked her about the spider. "Professor, did you make that spider? I mean, put all the parts together and everything? It's really neat!" She really admired it. Sure, it wasn't as cuddly as a kitten would be, but it was so unique.
She tested the stickiness of the gloves on the wall next to them, mentally going over how she would balance herself on the wall. Not being the most athletic person, she hoped somehow the gloves and shoes would offset the weight of her body too. She wasn't sure if she was strong enough to climb up, but she supposed the charm wouldn't let her fall even if she needed to rest. |