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Belle shrugged when she agreed that Sidde's boyish. Everyone had their own opinion. Belle chuckled when Dora mentioned saying that she read some stuff about muggles going to the moon. Belle actually had to go back to her muggle days when she learned about people going to the moon.
"Well i do not think they really found life on the moon but i think they found some moon rocks on the planets. I am sure the astronauts footprints are on the moon. Oh astronauts are humans that go up into space. They wear suits so they can breathe on the moon. I think that is quite weird if you ask me."
Belle found another ornament and it was a golden snitch ornament. It looked pretty. Belle was glad to put it up there. She loved the look of the tree already. "Muggles do interesting things sometimes." Like going to the moon.
"Mostly weird though. Going to the moon is interesting though, and probably fun to if we did it our way." With magic. It was just better.
She continued to put up more ornaments where the tree was bare, but didn't drift too far from the prefect.
"Are you muggleborn? Is that how you know about astronauts and rocket ships? Or do you just really like studying them?" Was that something she would get to study when she toke the class?