Text Cut: Cade
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"We have very busy times of year, that's for sure. When students are at Hogwarts, our Trace investigation is fairly slow, but there's never a dull moment for breaking the International Statute." People loved to flaunt the rules all year long.
But this gentleman was going to be in MMAO? "I think you'll enjoy your work. Lots of research and investigation involved in it. Do you have any experience in the field?"
Tyler nodded along as he listened to Cade talk about her division of the department "
Yes I am sure you do" yes they were allowed to do magic there "
Yes.. its when they are out of Hogwarts that you will be really busy making sure they follow the law." meaning no underage magic whatsoever! He nodded once more "
Yes I agree with you, I can see why its never a dull moment for your division." although there were never dull moments in quite a few of the MLE divisions depending on what sort of work you liked.
He nodded "
Yes I think I will enjoy it too. Yes I do love investigating things, but I dont mind a bit of research either" he smiled as he remembered how much he had loved investigating things back in the muggle police department, getting tips and leads and investigating them. She then asked him a question "
Well.. not for this division exactly.. I worked in muggle Law Enforcement for about 4 years. So I have done quite a bit of investigating any information we get, as well as done some undercover work. So..in that sense I do have some experience." well thats how he saw it he had some experience for this department even if may not be in MLE.
Text Cut: Melissa
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Melissa laughed, "Okay thanks for being so understanding. I'm definitely looking forward to working with you too."
"Do I know anyone else? Well there's that lady over there."Melissa pointed to Mariel. "She works for Games and Sports." and then pointed over to their Department Head."That man over there of course you now is our boss, Mr. Ferguson. He seems nice so far."
"So you mentioned your brother is he in the Ministry too? My husband is an Auror with the American branch of the Ministry and my two sons are training to be Aurors." Melissa blushed again realizing that she had told a stranger about her family. "I'm sorry too much information right?"
He smiled as she laughed "
No worries, I am glad you are." cause they would be working together quite a bit and it would be not so good if they were not looking forward to working together since they were in the same division.
He nodded as she pointed out a couple of people "
Ah games and sports.. our department will provide them with security.. while we check any .. funny objects being taken to games." yes they couldn't have muggle items distracting the players now that was for sure "[b]Ah yes.. our boss. He does? well then I guess it will be nice working under him, such a large department for him to handle.
He looked at Melissa as she asked about his brother, he nodded "
Yes.. yes he is.. he an Auror. Ah I see.. my brother did some work up there for a couple of years" he said wondering if his brother knew Melissa's husband "
Ah they are of that age? Well it will be a long time before my son reaches that age." he chuckled, he then saw that she blushed before apologising "
No.. no.. its fine. I believe its entirely upto the person as to how much information they want to reveal, so its entirely upto you what you say" he nodded as he gave her small smile as he looked around at the people that had gathered here. He was slowly getting to know them all bit by bit, soon he would know them more often after they would work together.
Text Cut: Ashley! :D
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Ashley adjusted her dress and walked out the french doors to the balcony, purse clutched tightly in her hand. She was rubbish at this kind of thing, mingling with strangers in a formal setting. The blonde much rather preferred laid back gatherings in a coffee shop or bumping into someone in the cafeteria. Much less pressure in those situations.
Noting the large group of people already gathered together, the blonde stepped off to the side and tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, debating on what to do next. Truthfully she just wanted to eat, kick off her shoes, and relax. No time for that now, though. She was here to meet...and greet. Yup. So Ashley put on her friendliest smile and tried to look approachable. She stopped fiddling with her purse too. Best not to look so nervous.
Tyler looked round as he saw a woman that he had not noticed before for some reason, he smiled as she seemed just as nervous as he did. So he decided to make the first move and greet her since the way she was standing off to the side she seemed like she didnt know what to do.. whether to let people come to her or she go and meet them. He walked over to her "
Hi.. saw you standing here all alone and decided that it was better if you had someone to talk to .. rather than just stand here" yeah that was a good simple start at least, no matter how nervous he was, this was what this event was for, to meet people so thats what he was going to do. "
Are you.. a new employee or returning? " he asked before giving himself a mental headslap "
Oh! my name is Tyler.. new employee to the Ministry" he said introducing himself to this woman.