Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Up the stakes? Why did that sound like a very BAD idea to Kurumi? Making bets with people, especially with Vivi. Then again, what was the worst that could happen? "Loser treats the other to a butterbeer or something next Hogsmeade weekend?" she suggested as she twirled her wand between her fingers and watched as Vivi made the ball at her feet shoot across the room and into the basket.
Cocking an eyebrow, Kurumi tried not to look too intimidated by the grin on Vivi's face. "I guess it's a deal then?" she asked, flicking her own wand towards a red ball, murmuring the incantation, and sending it across the room and into the same basket that Vivi had just banished hers.
Nodding towards the Ravenclaw, Kurumi stood a little off to the side and began to focus on a purple ball in the basket. Wand thrust at the object, she narrowed her eyes and began to repeat the incantation in her head. HEY! Was the ball moving?! And just like that it stopped vibrating. Right...focus...FOCUS HOLLINGBERRY! "You're on," Vivi nodded, her grin broadening a bit as Kurumi banished a ball into the exact basket she'd just used. Healthy competition was... well... healthy, and she didn't see anything wrong with it. Plus, they'd both mastered the spell for the most part, so it was nice to find a way to challenge themselves.
Vivi turned her attention to a teal ball sitting not too far away. She pointed her wand, mentally shouted the incantation at it, and then flicked. No movement. Not even a wiggle. Of course not... that would be too easy.
She pointed her wand again, and just to get the feel for the incantation on her lips, she mouthed the word Depulso as she flicked her wand again. The ball rolled a few inches in the correct direction, which was a marked improvement to Vivi's mind.
__________________ ★ Dawn ★ 
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |