y'all, bust mostly Louisa and Spikey and the eagle knocker lol! Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
He can hear Spike hollering out instructions above the din of confused Eaglets. Campfire and blankets? Thats fine by him, so long as they left him in peace to redo his homework. Locked out or not Vickers wasnt missing a deadline because of such unforeseen circumstan--
--Hey homework whereyougoin'?
His head shot up to where his parchment zipped off to, and finds himself glaring at--- the Head Girl. His face softens immediately "But those are due tomorrow..." he mumbles.... begs?... reaching out for his parchment just as she slips them into her skirt. Oh well now was that supposed to be challenge?...
Not quite. She just traded those for a blanket. And a kiss.
Okay he's quite pacified. For now.
As Louisa proceeded to her Head Girl duties Vickers leans back onto the still SHUT door. Right he'll be a-helpin'... but so far the Claws were proving to be a pretty hardy bunch. They were already chatting about as if this was some kind of impromptu slumber party by the stairs. They even have guests-- Slytherins managed to climb their way up here from the dungeons.
Apparently they werent the only ones locked out of their common room...
Vickers looked up and reached out for the brass knocker, tracing his fingers against the now silent eagle. What kind of Magic is keeping them from getting in anyway? Or was it a lack of magic? "Why wont you let us in?" he mumbled exasperated at the Eagle knocker. His turn to ask questions at it yeah?