Text Cut: Elizabeth, Kensi, Lights and Jack
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Elizabeth stepped back as another woman whom seem to know the poor girl came up. She went over to Charles and put her hand on his arm. "Lets go... her friends will probably do a better job at calming her..." SHe didnt even realize that she had touched him since she was checking out how bad of a bite she had gotten. She glaned up at Charles then back down at the bite, "Her bark might be worse than her bite." Yeah, she was trying to make a joke.
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She took out her wand and pointed it at the man's shoes....but then she completely forgot...why she was doing that..and UGH.
She was drooling again...and so she pressed her handkerchief up on her mouth...this was awful. She needed to go talk to Bossman. Badly. She needed some time at home.
She turned to the man...and he said...don't worry about it....worry about what? Kensi scowled...and then her eyes followed his to the shoes...oh..It clicked. And she remembered, now.
"I-I'm going to clean them up! " she cried, feeling awful...even though the man was a GIT she would still help clean his shoes...she pointed her wand at his shoes..."Scourgify!" she cried, not knowing if..well, spells were being difficult lately. But before she could change her mind the spell was zooming to his feet...
And no. The cleaning spell did not. And no, Kensi was NOT laughing...because she hat just
Kensi yelped and quickly tried to put it out with Aquamenti, but all that kept coming out of her wand was confetti..woefnqhfuhf CONFETTI! She started to tear up AGAIN and slapped her wand a few times...MERLIN! "I'm sorry...I'll buy you new shoes...I swear..." even the biggest jerk ever didn't deserve burnt shoes..."Someone put it out! Now!" she cried, simply staring....and feeling awful and miserable and UGH.
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Jezabel Black
Of course Lights had been drawn to the commotion. That was her job, was it not? To be in the thick of interesting things when they happened? She watched in astonishment as Kensi bit a woman's arm, then proceeded to vomit on a man's shoes and break down into hysterics. Well. She knew Kensi had a bit of a sharp tongue, but this? No way. The woman trying to calm her down looked like she needed some help, so Lights went over and rubbed Kensi's back reassuringly.
"It's okay, honey," she said in the soft comforting voice she used when her kids were sick or upset. "Calm down, you'll feel better if you calm down." With a few muttered incantations and flicks of her wand, she summoned a glass from the eating area and filled it with water. She pressed the glass gently into Kensi's hand. "It'll help."
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Jack walked over to his wife in a rush hearing the commotion. "Darling, are you all right!?" He asked and seemed to calm slightly seeing her hand on the other man's arm. He was slightly miffed at this but said nothing, as much as he disliked it he knew he didn't have much room to talk at the moment so he let it slide. "What happened?" He asked her, eyeing that zombie, woman.
He tensed up when her wand trailed onto his shoes, but breathed a sigh of relief as she didn't do anything. Thank Merlin. He stared at her drooling for a moment before his eyes widened as she cried about cleaning up his shoes. They were already clean! She didn't have to - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Anger flashed in his eyes immediately, but she kept casting and adding to it! Confetti? HIS SHOES WEREN'T GETTING MARRIED.
All he could do was facepalm as he used his free hand to pull out his wand again. Was she going to stop? Yes, he was just stood there while his shoes burnt. "Aguamenti." He wasn't particularly happy about soaking his feet, but better wet than burnt.
He GLARED at the new person on the scene. No, it was most certainly NOT okay. HAD SHE
SEEN HIS SHOES? Okay, he was calm. Yes. Calm. Deeeep breaths. Thankfully, Elizabeth caught his attention once more. Go? Yes, they should probably leave. He looked down at her hand on his arm, surprised by the unauthorised touch. Obviously, he saw the bite too and shook his head "She
bit you." Who did that? WHO BIT RANDOM PEOPLE?
"Hello." He greeted the man who'd called her 'Darling', believing that it must be her husband. He waved his hand in disbelief at the question and just shook his head, wondering if every day was going to be like this. If so, he needed a larger supply of shoes.