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"Surprises are good," Vivi agreed quietly, tilting her head so that her cheek rested against her knee instead of her chin. Most surprises were good, although many of the Hogwarts surprises this term were just stressful. The classes and the making friends and the way things seemed more difficult than necessary sometimes. But in general, she liked surprises.
He touched her arm, and Vivi rolled her forearm without thinking, letting her hand slide into his. Only for a moment, and then she slid her hand completely free of his and tried for her cockiest smile. There was something wrong and fluttery going on in her her stomach, but she managed a genuine grin. "I would be disappointed if you didn't give as good as you got, Monsieur. And I promise that I am a very good friend to have, if you can put up with my quirks. Except when bum kicking is in order."
She unfolded from the bench and stood beside him, gauging the worry in his expression before she gently propelled him forward with one hand to his shoulder. They were both learning, and the dummies couldn't hurt them back. He didn't need to worry. Part of being a friend of Vivi's was knowing she wouldn't let anything bad happen. "Tell me about why you don't like sand."
And she continued to propel him towards the dummies.
The way she slipped her hand onto his-- even if it was the briefest of moments-- was... different. Something stirred deep down, something from the past, but that stirring faded as soon as Vivi broke contact.
Hmm interesting....
And soon he felt himself being pushed forward towards the dummies, his feet doing a poor job at resisting. Maybe he should tell her he's more effective at a distance?
Oh but she had to ask about
sand. *cringe*shudder*cringe*
"I-I dont know.... I just dont like it... I mean its small and tiny and grain-like and getsintoeverything..." *spazzes*
Breathe man breathe. He was starting to sound like a basket-case ...
"....besides sand has little bugs in there that can burrow into your skin." That may or may not be actually true but hey all the more reason why his phobia was justifiable right?
And gosh, they are pretty close to the dummies now....
"Did you ever know I'm far-sighted?" Which means he should be far faaaaarr away from said dummies.