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Old 10-21-2012, 09:19 AM   #207 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
Elizabeth yelped in surprise as she backed away from the lady. She stared at the lady as she put a hand to the bite. She didnt expect to be bitten by her. She still wanted to help the lady but didnt want to risk getting bitten again. She sighed and glanced around for someone who could help the zombieish lady. She felt someone pull her away and looked up, seeing it was Charles. She gave a half of a smile at him, "Thank you for pulling me away..." Elizabeth glanced down, blushing a little... out of embarassment... of course.

This was not GOOD!

Kensi bit another woman on the arm just right then and there in front of Tasha’s eyes. Frozen for a moment she looked on as a man pulled the bit woman away from Kensi. Looking over at Ella she hoped for some assistance. They needed to calm Kensi down somehow before someone else got bitten.

SPOILER!!: Kensi
Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
[COLOR="DimGray"]And then..Natasha, was it? asked if she were still under the weather..QUHFIUHHBGJT Kensi wanted to slap her! "Do i-Do I LOOK like Im feeling any better?!" she asked, her usually smooth and velvety voice shrill with hysteria...she was going loony..maybe St. Mungo's had a ward waiting for her....she merely at her...and she felt the drooling getting AWFUL. She pulled out her handkerchief and dabbed it at her mouth...Merlin...
Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post

Kensi just...looked at them...her green eyes were still moist. She stared at the stupid man...and then burst into tears, burying her face into he hands..."I DO NOT NEED A HEALER. They are useless!" she cried through her tears..

Kensi was s not used to crying. But being ill for so long...and having literally NO family here at was all too much right now...and she had just tried to eat someone's ARM..that was appalling...APPALLING.

She looked at the lady...and sniffled.."I'm so sorry! I-I-" and she began to tremble, again, and then...she felt her stomach churning...and and and...she felt herself gagging...


She threw up.

On the man's shoes...

Oh no...after having taken out her wand and attempting to..clean up..some...she just stared, in shock, at the guy....her eyes were a bit blank, but she was actually there now. "Don't....kill me..." she muttered, tears still formed at the corners of her eyes, but she wasn't crying anymore..

"No, you look terrible." Tasha observed without the slightest hint of irony. Taking a step towards Keni she carefully put her hand on the other woman’s right arm rubbing it slightly. "Calm down, Kensi! There is no need for hysteria. We’ll help you figure this out. I promise. Isn’t that right Ella?" Tasha asked the brunette dept head standing close by.

She looked on and tried to keep her face worried and not disgusted as Kensi started to drool from her mouth just like she had done in the food court.

The drooling got progressively worse as Kensi started to tremble and then barfed all over a man’s shoes. Ugh.

Not looking at the mess on the man’s shoes Tasha pulled out her wand and conjured up a bucket. At a time like this you needed to keep practical. Restoring her wand safely to its place the blond held the bucket out in front of Kensi while she wrapped her left arm around the younger woma’s shoulders and murmured reassuringly trying to be heard over the younger woman’s tears. "Nobody is going to kill you Kensi. Don’t even think like that, you hear me? If they try I’m going to stop them. Just try to calm down all right?" It would be hard to help if Kensi kept being hysterical.

Originally Posted by Becky View Post
Oooh, a blonde. That was on the list, right? Charles approached the woman and gave a polite half bow. "Hello Ma'am, how're you today?" Polite small talk. Yes, that was what people did.
This man couldn't be SERIOUS was he?

He couldn’t have chosen a lousier time for small talk then just now. Tasha shot the man a long stare before she responded curtly. "Good day Sirrrrrrr! I’m fine, but as you can see a tad preoccupied." With Kensi who needed her attention much more that this man. She felt some sympathy for the man's ruined shoes but that was like small potatoes compared to Kensi's problems.
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