SPOILER!!: bluee like the color!
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Ergh. Why did she always talk to people SO much taller than her. Blue had to look UP which hurt her neck, for Pete's sake. "HI. Oh...you probably know them." Shrug. Weren't they were pretty popular in Slytherin or something? Pretty popular in the year too.
"Theodore Kinsley and West Odessa." Mhm. She had to say the full Theo'dore' cause Theo Kinsley just sounded weird. Yep.
She looked from one to the other, still wide eyed. Sniff.
"Is it all the common rooms? I think our prefects are gonna go get the headmisstress now..." Blue said thoughtfully, twirling a lock of hair around her finger, making it more curly and messy and BLAH. Bedhead. But it was what she did because she couldn't NOT be doing anything. *GLARES at ADHD* She bounced from foot to foot.
"Our knocker isn't working, any more either." And it wasn't like they just couldn't figure out what the answer was
though that had happened to Blue on numerous occasions.
"Yep. I was sleeping and then when I was shoved my kneazle went flying." She grimaced. Barnabus was probably eating everything in the dorm at this stage.
"Nice to meet ya Kat." Hop hop hop.
"I'm BLUE. Like the colour!" Mhm. She stuck out her two hands, one for Kat and the other for the other girl. And raised her eyebrows at the dark haired one. Still don't know your name.
Kinsleeeey & Odesssaaaa .... really they hung out with her

remember to talk with them later on this Logan....
"Oh, Kinsley & Odessa.. we play Quidditch with them." well DUH who else would you play quidditch with if you played at all in this school. Dumb girl. she looked at Kat briefly before back to the ravenclaw. Blue.. right?
"yupp all of them so far.. were on to Gryffindor next to ssee if they are locked out as well." aww your poor knocker wan't working.. Ariana didnt care about a knocker. Crazy Blue.
Bahahahah! She was sleeping! Poor girl... Not really Ariana didnt care.
"i was about to be sleeping.. Lost my wand as i flew through the air." and NO it didnt fall out of it's holster. she had already put her holster away and was ABOUT to put her wand away when she went flying WHOOOSSSHHH. and bye bye went her wand.. She got so caught up in thinking about her wand in their all alone she forgot to mention her name.. Looking back up she heard "logan"
"Huh!? oh right yeah." that was her.. big whoop.. now Worship me.