Text Cut: Nora and Thane
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He was a smart kid, alright. SMART and BRIGHT. Although, some things tended to give him a hard time...say, navigating through a gigantic castle, or kaleidoscopic patterns - they always give him a terrible headache if he stares at them for long. Thane squared his shoulders in a futile attempt to appear mettlesome. "You have been very helpful." He let out a 'pfft' before folding his arms.
Oh my stars! Could these two be any more friendlier? What if...what if it had been a lost puppy in lieu of him? Would they still approach the matter with dripping sarcasm? Of course not. "Oh, I think. Do you?" He rejoined, narrowing his eyes slightly. He mightn't be the nicest hufflepuff, but sure knew a thing or two about sarcasm. "I came to visit the potion's professor, and as you can see," He brushed away stray curls that had fallen over his forehead, "it didn't go as planned." Stupid, stupid, Thane. He never had the chance to meet the professor, and now was stuck in this oh so delightful and not at all creepy corridor. Hogwarts had too many corridors, he decided. "I'd prefer to be returned to the safety of my common room."
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Nora couldn't help but raise her eyebrows at the short and rather rude exchange between Gwen and the Hufflepuff whose name was a mystery, and her eyebrows rose even more when she got a rude comment, as well. Very helpful. Pffft. At least she tried to be nice and help! And weren't Hufflepuffs supposed to be nicer?
And then her eyes widened. He wanted to visit professor Lafay? Yes, yes, she knew the woman had a good heart, somewhere deep down, and she hadn't even seen her set any students on fire... but she still didn't want to be near her head of house more than was necessary. "And... you couldn't find her?"
As for the... safety of his common room... "I think that's near the kitchen." Although she didn't really know how to get in there. "Are you new here?" Well... he didn't quite look like a first year to be lost around the castle, unless he was one that grew up too early.
Well... Nora may have been a lot nicer than her, but both of them got a rude remark. Gwendolyn drew her attention back to her Slytherin friend, raising an eyebrow at her. See? There’s NO need to be nice. Not now, anyway.
But what was he saying? They had been helpful? Gwendolyn just rolled her eyes at that. What did he expect? Anyway, it wasn’t really their fault for not knowing where the Hufflepuff common room was. She just remained silent for a moment, not really paying attention to what he was babbling about having visited Professor Lafay or something.
Her attention was, however, drawn back to the Hufflepuff as she heard him say something about returning to the Common Room.
‘Then do so’, the fifth year said rather curtly. Oh, right. He didn’t know how to get back.
‘Go along the corridor, then to the left, and you should be able to figure it out from there’ See. She could TOTALLY be nice.
‘So WHY are you still here?’ Erm. Riiight.
Totally nice.
The fifth year just expected him to leave, and yet, Nora was asking him another question. Was he new? Surely… he had to be. Who else would have gotten lost around the castle? But anyway- Did they really have to make conversation? Gwen just wanted to leave, but she decided to wait a bit, just to finish the plan with studying for OWLs.