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Old 10-19-2012, 08:40 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Default LOLing hard at the age quip! Be back later dears <3
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Text Cut: Gavin, Melissa, Elizabeth and Ella
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja View Post
A small smile played at his lips as Elizabeth corrected Charles. Looking around them as the room started filling with more people he noticed Ella walk in and flashed a smile her way and waved.

Looking back in Elizabeth's direction, hmm problems? He wondered but didn't say anything "It'll be good to have you back." he said with a smile. "We've been good. She should be here soon I believe. She was dropping her brother and sister off before coming." Turning to Charles "My wife Kat, is also an ambassador, she's ambassador for the magical countries." Smiling as Charles said he understood, Gavin nodded in return.

His attention was drawn to words another woman had spoken. She lived in America? Odd, a bit of a commute he'd say. Or maybe she'd just moved from there?
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Melissa tried to remember whether she had introduced herself. She was sure she did. 'Oh well no harm telling him again. Age does make people forget things faster.' Melissa thought to herself before introducing herself again.

"My name's Melissa Potter. I'm with the MLE with the MMAO branch. I'm a Muggle Artefact Restoration Assistant." Melissa told him proudly.
Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
"Pleasure meeting you, Charles." She smiled at him then at Gavin, "That is good and oh it would be really nice to catch up with both of you." Elizabeth laughed and kept twisting her ring unconsiously. She would have messed with her brown curls but they were in a tight bun like they usually were at work.
Originally Posted by verbain View Post
Not to worry, it was a job, and something had to pay for her upcoming wedding. Oh yeah, she was planning on pushing the boat out to pay for this shabang! She came to a stop, hovering behind a small group of people and just picked at her nails, which she had actually painted for once.

"You too." He much preferred to be called Mr. Taylor, but apparently, 'formalities weren't a part of IMC' and this lady was more occupied with twisting her ring than being respectful to her elders. Whatever. His mouth set into a grim, hard line as soon as Gavin said his wife worked in the department. Disapproval was written in BIG RED MARKER all over this now! "I see, I'm sure you work well together." Maybe a little TOO well.

Melissa Potter. Potter. That was a well known name, even these days. "Oh, congratulations! Is that an interesting job?" Probably not, tinkering with Muggle things was a waste of time. Charles had to sympathise, the poor child looked so proud of herself when all she did was put things back to the way Muggles intended them to be and while Muggles were particularly good at creating things, most things worked better with a bit of magic added.

Noticing the hovering person, Charles turned to her. "Miss." He nodded politely, hoping to engage her in conversation since she looked lost, or just as disinterested as him. He liked her already.
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