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Old 10-19-2012, 07:50 PM   #14 (permalink)

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Text Cut: Quotes - you know who you are!
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja View Post
"I believe so." he said with a grin and nod. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Looking up as Elizabeth came over. "Elizabeth! Wonderful to have you back! How have you been?" It was definitely good to finally have a full team of ambassadors again. And here the two new ones were infront of him. That worked out very well! That way they could meet each other as well. Now for Sophie and Kat, and he was sure since Elizabeth was around Jack would be soon too. Kat he hoped would be here soon, he'd left long before she normally would have.

"Feel free to call me Gavin." he said to Charles, just so it was known from the start. "No need to be too formal on our level, we work more as a team rather then formalities."
Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
Elizabeth grimaced at being called Ms. "You may just call me Elizabeth, I hate 'Ms. Lupiun' especially since we are coworkers." She laughed, "I am the African Ambassador." She hadnt techinally eavesdropped since she just happened to overhear that part of the conversation with Gavin. "Though I didnt catch your name just your job..." She chuckled a little, and wondered if he would tell her his name. Elizabeth smiled at Gavin. "It is great to be back, Gavin... Um I have been good... I guess. How are you and Kat? I am so happy to be back. I hated my year off." She laughed, "I am also happy that I get stuck with a great boss." She twisted her ring, "I dont know when Jack will be here since I dropped off our two young ones and came straight here." She smiled at him.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
"Hello Charles. Nice to meet you too. Another IMC America?I live in America and used to work at the IMC branch over there. What a small world." she smiled at him.

"If you don't mind me asking, bow long have you been appointed there?" she asked him.

Oh, he MAY call her Elizabeth? "As you wish." He nodded to her before the corner of his lip twitched up into a sort of smile. "Nice to meet you." African Ambassador, surely that meant she was intelligent. Hmm, maybe he did like her. "I'm Charles Taylor." He offered his name to her politely once more.

"And you too." Yeah, he wasn't going to call him Mr. Pigreader, nor Gavin. So he'd just avoid names for now. He eyed the interaction between both of the people and remained dispassionate. The over familiarity showed that they had worked together before. Oh, he had to call the man Gavin? He didn't like it, but he supposed he had to bend to the man's wishes. "I understand, Gavin." Don't approve though.

He turned to other woman who hadn't addressed him before. "I am." He confirmed her question, but then raised his eyebrows. "You live in America, but work here?" One question was on his mind; Why? The fact that she was American had one mark down against her. He loved the American way, he just didn't like the Americans themselves. "This is my first day in this position, but if we're talking previous experience, too many years than I'd wish to reveal. And what about you? What's your name and job?" Yeah, he hadn't been paying attention, he'd been wondering about weedy boy.
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