There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan SPOILER!!: Charles Quote:
Originally Posted by Becky
Chirpy, yet he could sense she didn't really want to be here. Charles offered the woman a polite smile. "Hello, how're you today?" Politeness went a long way, no? His attention was caught by a weedy looking man who had smiled at him. Though he did a double take at the man's name.
Was it his old age, or was the man's last name Pigreader? He merely stared at the man for a moment, processing that this man was his boss. A weedy pigreader for a boss. Oh, the joys! "Good morning. I'm Charles Taylor, American Ambassador. I believe you're my boss." He eyed the weed man before turning to the woman who got in a word while he waited for a response. "Good morning, Ms Lupin." Charles was nothing if not outwardly polite.
Yet another woman came up to him! My, my, he was popular today. "Hello Melissa, I'm Charles Taylor. How are you today?" Yes, politeness, he could do it. He shook her offered hand, returning her smile, even if it was somewhat forced. He watched the women interact with disinterest and looked back over at the plant, wondering if Pigreader and the plant were related.
" Hello Charles. Nice to meet you too. Another IMC America?I live in America and used to work at the IMC branch over there. What a small world." she smiled at him.
" If you don't mind me asking, bow long have you been appointed there?" she asked him.