SPOILER!!: Julia, Gavin, Elizabeth & Melissa
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Julia was there. She wasn't all so sure about this orientation thing. Well, that's something. She was beginning to wonder were everyone was when she spotted a man. Sigh. Julia walked towards him, he looked a bit older and pre-occupied. "Hello" she said, a neat smile on her face. Getting to know people, the point.
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Silver Ninja
Gavin had gotten there early to make sure everything was properly set up, and was wandering around when he noticed a new employee enter the room. Shooting him a smile he headed in his direction. Noticing he had his new badge on and it read IMC he grinned to himself even more. One of his own. "Good morning." he said as he approached "I'm Gavin Higareda, IMC's department head."
Finding that someone else had already beat him to it he smiled gently at the woman as well. "Good morning to you as well."
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Melissa walked in and immediately realized that she didn't know anyone in the room. 'That's why they call it a Meet and Greet, Melissa. So meet & greet.' she told herself.
Making sure that she had a name tag on properly, she approached a gentleman and a pleasant looking woman, who looked familiar, and smiled at both of them.
"Hi I hope that you don't mind me interrupting. My name's Melissa." as she stuck out her hand to shake both of theirs.
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Elizabeth strolled into the meet and greet place without her husband who just happened to be in the same department as she waswhich made her happy. She was excited to be back to work AND back in the same department as she had been before. She was really excited to start being an ambassador again especially since she got a different set of countries. She glanced around and spotted her friend boss who was talking to a man she didnt know. She smiled and nodded at people while walking over to Gavin and the man. In a break of the conversation she said, "Good morning to both of you." She didnt know what exactly to call Gavin... should she call him boss and mister or what she used to call him: Gavin. She didnt want to be disrespectful or anything so she didnt say anything. To the man she didnt know, "Hello, I'm Elizabeth Lupin." Elizabeth smiled at him.
Chirpy, yet he could sense she didn't really want to be here. Charles offered the woman a polite smile. "Hello, how're you today?" Politeness went a long way, no? His attention was caught by a weedy looking man who had smiled at him. Though he did a double take at the man's name.
Was it his old age, or was the man's last name
Pigreader? He merely stared at the man for a moment, processing that this man was his boss. A weedy pigreader for a boss. Oh, the joys! "Good morning. I'm Charles Taylor, American Ambassador. I believe you're my boss." He eyed the
weed man before turning to the woman who got in a word while he waited for a response. "Good morning, Ms Lupin." Charles was nothing if not outwardly polite.
Yet another woman came up to him! My, my, he was popular today. "Hello Melissa, I'm Charles Taylor. How are you today?" Yes, politeness, he could do it. He shook her offered hand, returning her smile, even if it was somewhat forced. He watched the women interact with disinterest and looked back over at the plant, wondering if Pigreader and the plant were related.