Originally Posted by
Umbrella Vinora
A long tendril, snakes under the doorway of the librarians office. Wrapping around an expensive looking fishing pole the tendril attempts to pull the pole back underneath the door with it. A small "crack" can be heard from the pole as the reel is broken off just before the rest of the pole disappears under the door.
Coming back from eating breakfast Leobald unlocked the door to his office. Changing hand on his coffee mug, the mop haired librarian steps into the office feeling something crack under his feet. Don’t PANIC!!
Looking down perplexed his eyes widened at the sight of a reel which should be sitting on a fishing pole. Only problem was that there was no fishing pole in sight. Carefully putting down the coffee mug on his desk Leo pulled out his wand and lit up the room so he could inspect more closely. Breath!!
Crouching down he picked up the broken reel and looked it over. It was his. He immediately recognized it as a part of his most expensive fishing pole which had been a gift from his grandfather a few years back. Leo spent the next several minutes searching his office inch by inch for the rest of his fishing pole but it was GONE!
The only conclusion was that he had been ROBBED!
Forgetting his coffee mug Leo left his office unlocked as he hurried out of the library with the broken reel in hand in the search for the caretaker and the headmistress. Who would rob him and for what reason?