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Old 10-19-2012, 01:07 PM
Roselyn Roselyn is offline
Default DADA Lesson : Topsy Turvy

Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson Two

The winter weather left the arena chillier than usual, but by now you should know you'll warm up soon enough. Having been busy setting up certain things, Professor Romanos didn't quite have time to think of the effects of cold weather. With the morning sun shining brightly through the large windows, she had set up a table near the stands where a good number of cups were placed neatly on top, covering every inch of it. What those cups held would be explained shortly, but there was indeed some type of liquid in it. If you snuck a peak, water would definitely be crossed off your list of ideas.

The professor herself was sitting on the lowest part of one of the stands next to two medium sized boxes, both closed, ready to greet the students who came in. More than likely, they'd be explained shortly along with the cups. If the sight of these new objects make you feel uncomfortable in any way, than perhaps the absence of the purple mats would put your mind at ease.

Do come in and take a seat, whether that be on the cold stone floor or in the stands, or stay standing if you so wish. The lesson will begin soon as usual.

OOC: Class has started. If you're just joining us, post your character as if they've been here the entire time,
______or they may just face a little consequence.