Originally Posted by
Awarlesta Black
Awar stood outside her common room, frozen. What the Merlin just happened?! One minute she was celebrating with her fellow Badgers, the next she was locked out! She continued to stand there.
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Alec let out a groan as he lay there on the floor. This was not how all of this was meant to go. They were having a meet and greet and well... there had been food there! What about all the food? Would it all just... rot away? That was really sad. They had a lot of nice food there! Like s'mores and chocolate and gummy sweets and... and... Sadface.
Okay... so maybe there were more important things right now. And he could always count on Ells to have an extra bag of gummy worms.
The fourteen year old sat up and blinked over at the barrels, a confused expression crossing his face. That was, by far, the weirdest thing that has ever happened to him... EVER! It was as if some sort of superhero was standing in the common room and this person, the hero, had raised a hand and... and... POOF! Everyone was thrown backwards and out of the common room.
Yeah... weird.
Alec shook his head and looked around at everyone else. Everyone... was okay, right? The person closest to him was... a girl. One who looked quite a bit younger than him, actually. And he was pretty sure that he had seen her around in places before. "Erm... hey!" Smile. "You okay, there?"
Originally Posted by
Sauntering up to the entrance of the Common Room, Ed saw students scattered, yes, SCATTERED over the corridor. Frowning, he stepped forward to examine the barrels before turning to everyone looking confused. "What the heck happened?" He was all for an impromptu gathering, though some of these looked like they'd been talking before. Actually, quite a few of them did. Had he missed something ELSE?
Oh, right. Some looked disheveled, maybe he should check they were okay? "Is anyone hurt?" He glanced around, trying to see if there were any obvious injuries. His eyes fell onto the young kid from the quidditch match. Summers, wasn't it? "You okay kid?"
One minute
Minerva was dancing, talking, laughing, and having a great time, and the next she was being thrown out of the common room. Landing hard on her behind she looked around confused. Everyone else looked super confused as well.
"Is everyone okay? No one got hurt did they?" Minerva got up and adjusted her spongebob slippers she was wearing. Going back to the barrels she tried to get them open. Pulling her wand out and pointed it to the barrels,
"Empancipare" the barrels didn't move and the common room didn't open. Turning back at the party group she shook her head,
"Anyone have any idea what happened?" She looked around wanting to make sure no one got hurt and that's when she saw Ed.
"About time you show up Ed." She gave him a smile.
"Think we should have someone go get Professor Hadley to see what's going on?"