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Hannah listened to all of the questions and answers. She made notes because she knew that she would need all the help she could get. They were getting up again? So soon?
Sigh. She got out of her seat and walked to the front of the room. She watched as the professor cleared out the chairs. She was ready to practice because she had a feeling that she would not be getting this on the first try.
Here goes nothing. She tried to concentrate on the ball going into the basket but she found herself thinking of many other things. She was dumb to even let those things have a place in her mind but she couldn't help it. She needed help. Concentrate Hannah! Mind back on the ball she said "Depulso." Nothing happened...nothing at all. She didn't even think the ball had twitched or anything. Merlin this was going to be a long class if she didn't get her head in the game and fast!
Right. She nodded...if course she was very very good..hehe, she was ELLIOT MORGANZO for merlin's sake! And a Ravenclaw, at that! She stood up as Professore Bellaire instructed them...she was kind of anxious to try it out, too. She wanted to see if it was REALLY that much harder than the accio spell..hmm...and Elliot quite enjoyed a challenge.
She stood next to Hannah, eyeing her as she tried...she was twirling her own wand in her hand...hehe, Hannah didn't get it...she smirked to herself.
"No no NO, Hannah, dear," she said as she rolled her eyes. Ahem. Let Elliot show you have to do it, sweetheart!
"Depulso!" she cried, and to her GLEE, the ball started going THAT A WAAAAY towards the basket...but about halfway through..it stopped...UGH. Her smirk evaporated...and she glared at Hannah...YOU BETTER NOT LAUGH, LCOKWOOD!
And then, to make her even MORE irritated...SOAPY GOT IT BEFORE SHE DID! UGH! Elliot grumbled darkly under her breath as she went to retrieve the STUPID! ball from across the room...guurrr. Sophie...of all people to get it before she did...SOPHIE!