Text Cut: Ethan
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"One hit?!" Ethan exclaimed as DJ recounted Minnie's past experience with the game. "She must be some sort of expert," he mumbled, determined he'd get good at this game. No way would he be playing her in this state.. that would just be embarrassing. "I'm not going to do it in three either.." He mentally counted.. he had done two and his ball was nowhere close to that hole. Not a chance it would get there in the next hit.
"Right.. sorry about that," Ethan chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as DJ jokingly chided him about the mis-aim of his ball. "Yes.. that must be it. We'll blame it on my height," he added with another chuckle and a wink. This was sort of fun, really.. and even though he was obviously very bad at it, Ethan was having a good time playing the game and enjoyed the company. The kid was a good sport.
The fifth year watched intently as DJ took his turn. His eyes grew wider in anticipation as the ball drew closer to the hole.. aww, it missed. "Oh, I thought you had it.. so close," he said with a rueful smile. "Next shot for sure," he added with a grin. He nodded to the little lion as he stepped forward to take his turn. Ethan took a cursory glance of the course. There was a large rock in his way, but perhaps if he aimed for that small wall the ball would bounce in the direction of the hole.. He walked over to his ball and swung a few practice swings. That had seemed to be a good idea before.. or at least he thought. Swinging the putter for real, he hit the ball and it rolled to the wall, bouncing off and rolling ever closer to the hole. It wasn't nearly as close as DJ's ball.. but it wasn't half bad. "I think that was a little better this time," he grinned at the other boy.
Dylan nodded "
Yeah!!" he too was still shocked over how she had just put the ball into the hall like it was nothing, he heard Ethan mumble something and kind of thought he knew what he said "
Though she said that she had been playing the game since she was little, so I guess... that playing since then.. made her good? So all I gotta do is keep playing and I will beat her one day." he was determined to beat Minnie, no matter how long it took him. Not cause of what she did to his lion head cause that was just fun.. and he learnt something from it. If only all the professors could be fun like her, he just wanted to beat someone who was as good as Minnie was. Dylan looked at Ethan "
Well once you play the game more and more you get better at it, I couldnt get it near the hole even AFTER three shots and look at me now. So you just gotta keep playing.. thats what I am gonna do" yup he was gonna keep playing until he was sure he could beat her.. or anyone else that was really good at the game
Dylan couldn't help but chuckle with the guy as he rubbed the back of his neck, he nodded "
Yup we will! You just need to be shorter like me!! and you will have no problems at all, even Minnie needs to be shor... noo.. noo.. she can stay tall." yeah that way she would mistake his ball for the hole too and help him get his ball into the hole. This was actually kinda fun! playing with Ethan, he may be kinda bad at the game but that was just more fun cause they could learn together as it seemed that they were doing right now. But he wouldnt mind playing with Minnie again though, even though she would beat him again, it was just all part of the fun. And who knows he might just bring another costume along for her to change color.
He looked and Ethan and nodded "
Me too! I thought I had it too. Yup close.. but not close enough" he said looking at his ball that was now not too far from the hold but wasnt exactly next to it either, that would take some aiming but at least it was possible to put into the hole. He watched as Ethan looked over the course as he was deciding how to hit his ball so that it would go into the hole. He continued to watch as Ethan practiced his swing before hitting the ball, they both followed the path of the ball as it hit a small wall nearby and detoured towards the hole. Dylan was extra curious to see where the ball was headed just in case it would hit his ball again getting it even close to the hole, but unfortunately it didnt this time round. But it was not too far from his either so if he missed it this time then Ethan was sure to get his into the hole for sure! Dylan grinned and nodded "
It was much better!!" he said running over to Ethan's ball "
See its not far from mine either! Oh you is giving me some competi.. competi.. competition.. yeah competi-tion." he said as he walked over to his ball careful not to kick Ethan's away from his own, wouldn't want Ethan accusing him of cheating.. but maybe he might do something a little later. He then practiced a few swings before giving the ball a gentle TWACK! unfortunately he mis-aimed the power and it stood on the edge of the hole, Dylan went and ran over to it and thought about blowing it into the hole.. he quickly glanced at Ethan who he hoped was not looking and gave it a good blow, but the ball didnt move at all!! So he quickly stood up as innocent as ever "
Your go Ethan" he said walking to one side trying to look innocent, cause he hadnt done anything.