A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Finally, practical time. Daichi stood up from his chair and followed his fellow students to the front of the classroom. When he found a good spot to stand, he heard scraping noises behind him and when he turned back to look he found out that all the tables and chairs had been pushed aside. "Cool" he whispered before his eyes landed back to the Professor as she demonstrated what to do. It seemed like an easy spell and also fun!
He grabbed his phoenix feather wand and pointed it at one of the balls. "Depulso!" he said, thinking that like with every spell he'd done so far he would fail. BOOOY was he WROOONG!
Without a second try the ball shoots through the room and hit the wall instead of the basket. He let out the breath he was holding and stared with wide open eyes. This was amazing! The first time since...never... that he had gotten the spell right at the first tryyy~!
Even though it was not as controlled and good as it was supposed to be but he was going to work on that right now.
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