SPOILER!!: Professor
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"I didn't notice you raise your hand Miss Cambridge..don't let it happen again. You can banish just about anything. But like with all spells there are some degree of limitations be it small or not."
"Very good Mr.Vanderbuilt, it will do you all well to take notes of that." She eyed the rest of her class.
"After..." Oi, she shook her head..." you banish an object it goes where you send it so naturally a lot of concentration is needed."
"Nice to see you reading..class you may also take note of that as well." The older students were on fire today. Very good, it made a job a bit easier.
"very good, that is correct." The girl received an approving nod.
Miss Kim hadn't been reading had she? "No the object doesn't just vanish into thin air, because we are not vanishing the object inwhich we'd need to somehow disintegrate the object, what we're going is banishing it." And just to be safe she turned to the board and began writing.
"You banish an object to a desired location and you bring it back using accio. But that depends on the object you have banished and where re the distance you have banished it to."
"You can but I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to banish them very far." And also, just because she expected better from him she continued.." I don't expect you to try banishing anyone Theo."
"Once again, we are not vanishing objects we are banishing them." She tapped the board loudly. Focus.
"You can banish just about anything.."
"Yes concentration and aim is very important when casting the banishing charm."
"There should be nothing nasty about the banishing charm if you do it properly. And everyone here will do it properly."
"Very very good. Exactly there is no going into non-being with the BANISHING charm. You are sending an object away from you."
"No, the charm simply will not work. It will be like telling a dog to sit when you have not taught him the command to do so. He will simply stare at you and if he's a good dog he'll pee on you for being silly."
"Good answer. That is correct. It's nice to see students reading and revising." Especially before coming to her class.
Sophia walked down the middle isle so she could be closer to everyone and because she figured she was mostly finished giving notes manually for the moment, but it was a good thing she did too because if she hadn't she wouldn't have noticed the spider webb in the boy's hair. Hmmm.
"Your answer is correct but get out and clean yourself and your hair up."
"A boggart isn't exactly an object is it? It's not a physical being so the depulso charm would not work on a boggart because there is technically nothing there to place the charm on to manipulate. Do you understand?"
"Like most spells the limitations would depend on the caster." She felt like she said this a lot but it was true. "But I think once you have a clear idea and image of where you are banishing the item to then the distance shouldn't matter as much." But it still was a factor in casting the charm.
"That is correct." As was said before.
She walked back to the front of the class and turned to look at them. "Today we will be banishing balls to baskets. I'll like you all to once again step out of your desks and come to the front."
She gave them time to do so and once they did she banished the desk and chairs to the back of the class. Demonstration number one. Now there was a large enough space in the class for everyone to be able to practice the charm.
"The wand motion is very simple. All you need to do is point your wand at the object you are banishing...like I just did with the desks and chairs."
With another flick of her wand the container of brightly coloured balls appeared at the front of the class and so did many different baskets. The Charms professor got to work lining the wall with the basket and placing the ball container a few feet away from. "The aim is to banish the ball into a basket...like so."
She demonstrated causing a purple ball to fly into a basket.
"If you are clear on the instructions you may begin. If not feel free to ask questions."
SPOILER!!: Sorry Ethan..
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Ethan jotted down a few notes as the professor confirmed, dismissed, or explained some of the answers. He had started to learn the banishing charm at Beauxbatons.. and whoever said this spell required more concentration and focus than the summoning charm was indeed correct. And that was why the boy still had trouble with it. He would be thankful for the review.
The Ravenclaw stood and walked to the front when asked, then vaguely watched as the desks and chairs went flying behind him. After the brief demonstration, Ethan pointed his wand at an orange ball, focused on the basket behind it, and muttered, "Depulso." Eh.. At least he managed to make the ball roll to the basket.. but it didn't achieve the height it needed to get it inside. Just as he thought.. he needed more practice. Though the rolling ball did give him an idea.. the banishing charm would make that game of golf he had been playing a whole lot easier.
Minerva listened to the professor answer the questions and discuss what was going to happen next. She stood up and went to the front of the room. Watching the desks move and then the balls appear she tried to pay close attention. She didn't want to mess anything up from lack of focus. Watching the professor demonstrate she felt a little at ease, this didn't seem like to hard of a task. She had accio down pretty well, so why wouldn't this one just be as easy.
Stepping out to some orange balls she looked at the basket. Not wanting to get the word wrong she said it in her head a few times. Once she was ready she pulled her wand up and pointed it to the ball. Just as she said "Depulso." Ethan caught her eye and her focus on the basket had turned. Her wand flicked his way and the ball went towards him bumping him in the leg. She felt herself turn red instantly and she couldn't help but giggle a bit, "I'm sorry Ethan, something must have distracted me." you of course, she thought to her self as she walked over and retrieved the miss placed ball.