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Old 10-17-2012, 05:44 AM   #189 (permalink)

Mackled Malaclaw
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Amestris (GMT+8)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Harri Ainsworth
Second Year
Default Snaaaaaaaakeeeesssss... <3
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!

Smirking, arms crossed above her chest, the Ravenclaw gave the two Slytherins under the Christmas ornament a playful, yet stern gaze. She was too enthusiastic and keen on getting the two to do the consequence of standing beneath the mistletoe that she hadn't taken note of the newcomer. Only when he spoke up did she notice him. Bee... His voice appeared so familiar to her senses that it made her blush. Her dark brown eyes lingered on him before giving him a smile. "Hi.." He was how obvious what she'd done was? Hehe. "You're just in time to witness two snakes smooch."

Snort and eyes back to the two.

"Juliet, you don't say you just met each other when you see each other almost everyday for you are in the same House." Duhh. Was it her fault they don't talk? POUT. "It is NOT inappropriate actually.. It's part of the tradition. Won't you respect that?" Kissing under a mistletoe didn't exactly mean they were going to have a relationship, it is a sign of friendship and goodwill. So yes, stick with the tradition, okay people?

You just kiss anyone when you are under a mistletoe? With clear emphasis on 'you'? Was she talking about her?

"Well.." SHRUG. "I mean, I don't think it's too bad to kiss someone under a mistletoe." Except if she'd be stuck there with Vindictus. Noooope. No chance.

And that wasn't nonsense Rush. Beezus sent him a quick glare. "You guys are hopeless." Dylan, a little help here? "It's part of the tradition, I told you. Don't spoil the essence of the season." It wasn't like they were going to die if they kiss under the plant right? But she wasn't giving up just yet..there must be something she could take from her plans.

"A kiss on the cheek would be acceptable.." Beezus added thereafter, grinning and giving Gerald a meaningful look. Surely, they won't be too stubborn now, no?

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